![]() (2) Install all performed packings and backup
(5) Fork to floor clearance will range from 0 to 3/4
inch, depending on tire wear and machine tolerances.
(3) Assemble aligning pins and bearings. Put
(6) Raise the inner rail assembly to its fullest
them onto pump gearshafts and install assembly in
height and check the clearance between the inner rail
pump housing.
stops and the outer rail stop blocks. If the stop blocks
are touching, readjust the nuts until a clearance of at
(4) Install mounting flange cover on pump
least 1/8 inch is obtained.
housing, and retain it with screws. Install seal and
retaining ring in cover.
(7) Adjust nuts until deflection is equal with the
same tension applied to each chain at the same height.
(5) Assemble pump drive assembly in the
Keep nut and jam nut as close to end of screws as
reverse order of disassembly.
possible and still obtain above adjustments. This will
allow lowest possible position of forks. Tighten jam nuts.
e. Installation. Reverse the procedure in a. above.
Fill hydraulic tank in accordance with the Lubrication
a. Removal.
(1) Raise truck to permit removal of hydraulic oil
a. Removal.
tank from beneath truck.
(1) With carriage and fork assembly completely
(2) With truck lift lowered and tilted back, remove
bottomed, release chains at hydraulic lift cylinder by
drain plug and drain oil into a container.
removing two adjusting screws and four nuts.
(3) Disconnect all tubing at tank and filter flange.
(2) Lift off load backrest, and reach behind
carriage unhook chains at lift carriage. Pull chains free
(4) Remove four nuts, flat and lock washers, and
of unit.
screws, securing tank to chassis.
b. Cleaning. After removal clean chain by soaking
b. Cleaning.
in SD, at the same time scrubbing with a wire brush to
remove encrusted lubricant. Dry with clean dry cloths, or
(1) Remove four screws and washers which fasten
dry compressed air. Lubricate by soaking in OE 10.
filter mounting flange to tank. Lift off flange and gasket.
c. Inspection. Inspect chain for worn or damaged
(2) Lift out filter element and tube.
side plates or link pins, damage from lack of lubrication
or rust.
(3) Wash all parts removed from tank in SD, and
dry with dry compressed air.
d. Installation.
(4) Flush interior of tank with SD, and drain dry.
(1) Feed chains over rollers of crosshead
Be sure no SD is left in tank after cleaning.
assembly and hook in position on carriage assembly.
(5) Steam clean exterior of tank, dry thoroughly
(2) Install adjusting screws through holes
and install items removed in steps (1) and (2) above.
provided on lift cylinder and install four nuts on adjusting
c. Installation. Reverse a above.
e. Adjustment.
(1) With no load on forks move forks to their
a. Removal.
extreme width.
(1) Disconnect hoses and tubing at control valve,
(2) Lower forks completely.
remove fittings from valve, and cap or plug open
hydraulic lines to exclude dirt.
(3) Move upright to vertical position.
(2) Remove screw, nut and washers securing
(4) Turn the nuts up on the adjusting screws as
valve to chassis.
far as threads will allow.
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