![]() (9) Remove the reverse gear and shaft in the
the other large snap ring, cylinder, piston and drive disc.
following manner:
(25) Invert valve. Remove pipe plug, screws and
(10) Remove retaining ring (26) on the rear side
washers which retain valve bedplates and gaskets.
of the reverse gear (25).
(26) Remove bedplates and gaskets. Spring,
(11) Identify the collector ring (6) with the gear
ball and bushing, and the piston stops are now
case to insure proper reinstallation.
uncovered. Remove them.
(12) Remove bolts (4) and lockwashers (5) that
(27) Unscrew hex head retainer plugs and
retain the collector ring and remove the collector ring
remove washers, springs and pistons from the valve
from the housing. Remove seal rings (3) if excessive
wear is noted.
(28) Remove control plunger seals and plungers,
(13) Remove the reverse shaft (7), and bearing
springs and pistons from valve body.
(8) assembly while holding the reverse gear through the
valve block opening.
f. Cleaning, inspection, and repair.
(14) Remove idler gear (42) and shaft (40) in the
(1) Clean all metal parts in SD. Discard all used
following manner:
(15) Remove bolts (35) and
nonmetal parts, such as seals and gaskets.
lockwashers (36) retaining the idler shaft retainer (37) to
the housing and remove retainer and shaft. Be sure to
(2) Inspect parts for wear and damage. Replace
note the position of the pin (38) holding the retainer to
defective parts with new parts. Do not attempt to repair
the shaft to insure proper reinstallation.
parts by reworking.
(16) Remove idler gear and bearings (41)
g. Assembly.
through the valve block opening.
(17) Remove output gear (60) and shaft (59) in
Lightly lubricate all internal metallic
the following manner:
parts with clean engine oil to
facilitate reassembly.
(18) Remove bolts (53) and gaskets (54) holding
the output shaft seal and bearing retainer (55) to the
(1) Install inching valve locator spring in valve
body, followed by inching valve inner piston, spring and
inching valve piston. Press seal in place and with valve
(19) Remove output shaft, retainer, and gasket
body inverted, install piston stops in body to engage
(56) by tapping lightly on the forward end, while holding
grooves in pistons.
the output gear through the valve block opening.
(2) Install both regulator valve pistons, springs,
(20) Remove the strainer element (50) by
washers, and retainer plugs.
removing retaining capscrews (52) and washers (51)
inside the case.
(3) Install selector valve plunger and seal, piston
stop, detent bushing, ball and spring. Place gasket and
(21) Place clutch assembly in an arbor press and
valve bedplate on valve body and install washers and
apply pressure on the front end of the input shaft, until
screws. This bedplate retains the piston stops and
the front cylinder is depressed enough to allow removal
detent parts in the valve body.
of the large retaining ring from the pressure plate.
(4) Install gasket and valve bedplate.
(22) Release press pressure and remove the
front cylinder and input shaft assembly.
(5) Place clutch plates on pressure plate. Install
springs. Put rings on pistons.
(23) Remove the piston, drive disc, and springs.
(24) Turn the drum assembly over and remove
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