![]() c. Move the direction shift lever from N (neutral) to
i. Always reduce speed gradually, as sudden stops
F (forward) or R (reverse) position, depending on desired
are unnecessarily hard on the truck and the load may fall
d. Place foot on the accelerator pedal and release
the parking brake lever.
Gradually depress the
accelerator pedal until truck begins to travel. Continue to
a. Make turns smoothly and gradually. Avoid sudden
depress the accelerator pedal until safe operating speed
turns which may cause loss of control or spilling the load.
is attained. If the truck fails to move, shut off engine
immediately and report this to the proper authority.
b. A loaded fork truck usually steers easier than an
empty one. The truck operator should accustom himself
to these changes in steering.
a. Approach the load squarely and halt the truck.
c. Don't go around corners too fast, especially
Move the tilt control lever forward and bring the mast
when there is no load on forks, as truck may overturn.
assembly to the vertical position. Raise or lower the
forks to the proper height to pick up the load.
d. When turning sharp corners, start from the
inside corner rather than from the middle of the aisle.
e. Operators should note that with rear steering,
Never under any circumstances
the rear of the truck swings out on turns. Take care to
attempt to operate a fork lift truck
allow for this characteristic when near potential
with a load so heavy that steering
obstacles, edge of loading dock, etc.
becomes uncertain.
maneuvering in a clear area until familiar with truck
response to travel controls.
b. Move the truck forward until the forks are
positioned under the load. Make certain the forks are
f. Avoid steering when truck is standing still. The
fully inserted in the pallet or under the load.
slightest travel speed will make steering much easier,
and reduce wear on tires and steering linkage.
If the load is placed out near the tips
of the forks, the rated capacity of the
truck will be greatly reduced. This
a. Depositing Load on Tiered Stack.
procedure is especially important
with long loads, to prevent loss of
(1) Move the lift control lever to the rear and
traction on the trailing wheels.
accelerate the engine until the load reaches the desired
height above the tier.
c. Apply the parking brake to prevent the truck from
shifting position during the lifting operation.
(2) Drive the truck forward until the load is
above its resting place. To slowly maneuver the truck
d. Move the direction shift lever to N (neutral).
forward while high engine speed is needed, use the
braking and inching pedal.
e. Move the lift control lever to the rear and
accelerate the engine to raise the load only high enough
(3) Pull up on the parking brake lever to apply
to clear obstructions while traveling. Do not carry loads
the parking brake.
so high as to cause instability. Release the lift control
lever. Move the tilt control level backward to tilt the forks
(4) Move the direction shift lever to N (neutral)
backward. Release the lever and decelerate the engine.
position. Move the tilt control lever forward and tilt the
forks forward until the load is aligned with the tier.
f. Move the direction shift lever from N (neutral)
position to the proper position for the desired direction of
(5) Move the lift control lever forward and
carefully lower the load into position on the tier. Continue
to lower the forks until they can be easily withdrawn from
g. Release the parking brake lever, depress the
the pallet.
accelerator pedal, and move the load to the desired
(6) Move the direction shift lever to R (reverse)
position. Release the parking brake lever, and slowly
h. Back the fork lift truck down steep inclines so
back the truck away from the tiered stack until the forks
that the load will not slip off the forks.
are clear.
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