![]() (7) Move the lift control lever forward to lower
the forks into normal traveling position (8 to 10 inches
above surface).
4-39. Every good vehicle operator knows what to look
for, where to find it and when the truck requires
b. Depositing Load in Storage Area.
maintenance service.
Such conditions as wobbly
wheels, defective brakes, worn and uneven chains,
(1) Carefully drive up to the position at which
defective horn, oil leaks, and defective steering
the load is to be deposited. Depress the brake pedal to
apparatus should be reported immediately. In general, it
halt the truck.
is best to run a daily check at the end of the shift so that
in the event extra work is required, it can be done before
(2) Apply the parking brake, and move the
the truck is needed for another eight hours duty.
direction shift lever to N (neutral) position.
(3) Move the tilt control lever forward and bring
the mast assembly to the vertical position.
4-41. Rigid adherence to the following safety rules will
result in safe vehicle operation and minimum
(4) Move the lift control lever forward and
carefully lower the load to the ground. Continue to lower
the forks until they can be easily withdrawn from under
a. Perform a quick visual inspection of the truck
the load.
before use to note obvious conditions requiring
correction such as lubrication, hydraulic oil supply,
(5) Place the direction shift lever in R (reverse)
battery condition and liquid level, operation of horn and
position. Release the parking brake lever, and slowly
other electrical equipment.
back the truck away from the deposited load.
b. Report at once faulty equipment performance,
defective brakes, steering, etc.
c. Know rated capacity of the equipment.
Overloading is damaging and costly. Also, floor load
a. Remove foot from the accelerator pedal.
limits and overhead clearances must be observed.
b. Apply gradual pressure on the brake pedal to
d. Watch blind corners, stop at intersections, and
bring the truck to a safe smooth stop. Avoid sudden
sound horn. The other fellow cannot see around the
corner either.
c. Apply the parking brake. Move the direction shift
e. Lift, lower, and carry loads with upright vertical or
lever to N (neutral) position.
tilted backward, never forward.
d. Move the tilt control lever forward to bring the
f. Under no circumstances should unauthorized
mast to the vertical position.
riders be permitted on equipment.
e. Move the lift control lever forward and lower the
g. Watch rear end swing and use low speed when
forks to the ground.
descending ramps or steep grades.
f. Push the ignition switch to OFF position to stop
h. Never "butt" loads with forks or rear end of truck.
the engine.
This practice usually causes cargo damage.
i. Be careful when high tiering.
j. Keep arms and legs where they belong. Never
place them between the uprights of the mast or outside
4-37. The fork lift truck is inherently safe in its design.
the running lines of the vehicle.
Only negligent operation can cause an accident or
k. Do not use any fork lift as a personnel elevator
damage. In general, it can usually be assumed that if a
unless there is a safety platform attached to the forks.
mishap occurs, the operator was careless or not
l. Operate at authorized speeds. Flying starts and
competent to use equipment. Practice the basic rules for
screeching stops cause trouble.
fork lift truck operation, any additional rules peculiar to
m. Weight of vehicle should be stenciled on two
the application of the truck, and the general rules of the
road which apply to any vehicle. In any case, safety
n. Observe fire prevention rules. Fire extinguishers
depends entirely on the operator's good judgment.
should be on each piece of equipment and each driver
should know how to operate them.
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