![]() d. Engine Oil Pressure Indicator. The engine oil
pressure indicator is located on the right side of the
instrument cluster. This indicator indicates the working
pressure of the engine lubricating oil while the engine is
Do not operate the starter motor
in operation. It should indicate 25 to 35 psi at normal
operating speed. Normal pressure readings may range
continuously for more than 30
from 5 to 10 psi at idle to 26 psi at 1600 rpm with the
seconds. If the engine fails to / start
engine hot, or slightly higher with a cold engine or higher
after 30 seconds, allow the starter
speeds. A higher pressure indication is normal for a cold
motor to cool for at least 2 minutes
engine. If the pressure reading is low or excessively
before attempting to start the engine
high, stop the engine and report this trouble to the proper
f. Hold accelerator pedal steady and allow engine
e. Engine Temperature Indicator.
The engine
to warm up at a fast idling speed. Immediately observe
temperature indicator is located on the bottom of the
engine oil pressure indicator and ammeter for normal
instrument cluster. This indicator registers the
readings. As engine begins to warm up, gradually push
temperature of the engine coolant in degree Fahrenheit.
in on choke control; when engine is warm, push choke
During operation the indicator should register 160 Deg to
control all the way in.
180 Deg F.
If the indicator fails to show
(1) Ammeter. When the engine is first started,
temperature gain after the engine has been operated for
the ammeter should indicate a high charging rate. The
a reasonable length of time, or if the needle registers
charging rate will normally decrease after a reasonable
above 200 Deg F., stop the engine and report the trouble
length of time unless the battery is defective or
to the proper authority.
excessively discharged. If the ammeter registers a
discharge rate when the engine is operating or if the
ammeter remains at zero or moves erratically, stop the
engine and investigate.
(2) Temperature Gauge. When warmed up,
the engine should operate at a coolant temperature of
165 to 190 Deg Fahrenheit. If the temperature does not
instructions for operating the fork lift truck under normal
reach this range after a reasonable warm-up period has
elapsed, or if the temperature is exceeded during normal
operation, stop the engine and investigate.
(3) Oil Pressure Gauge.
Pressure should
register on the oil pressure gauge as soon as the engine
Make certain all "Before Operation
is started and be maintained at all times while the engine
Service" specified in section 5 has
is operating. Normal pressure readings may range from
been performed before attempting to
5 to 10 psi at idle to 26 psi at 1600 rpm with the engine
start the engine.
hot, or slightly higher with a cold engine or higher
speeds. If there is no indication of oil pressure, or if the
pressure is low or erratic, stop the engine immediately
and investigate.
a. Pull up on parking brake lever to make certain
g. Warm engine until it will idle smoothly with the
truck will remain in a stationary position while it is being
choke control pushed all the way in. Check for proper
readings on ammeter, engine oil pressure indicator,
engine temperature indicator, and fuel indicator. Be sure
b. Make certain the direction shift lever is in N
hourmeter is operating properly.
(neutral) position.
h. Remove foot pressure from accelerator pedal.
c. At initial starting, or if engine is cold, pull choke
control all the way out.
a. Accelerate the engine slightly and move the lift
d. Press down on accelerator pedal approximately
control lever gradually to the rear and raise the forks to
one-third the distance from its normal raised position.
normal traveling position (only high enough to clear
obstructions while traveling).
e. Push the ignition switch up and depress the
b. Move the tilt control lever backward and tilt the
starter button to start the engine. The starter motor will
forks backward.
crank the engine. When engine starts, release the
starter button.
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