![]() close the choke valve in the carburetor when starting a
cold engine. As the engine warms, push in on the choke
The direction shift lever must be in
control as required to insure smooth engine operation.
the N (neutral) position in order to
c. Horn Button. The horn button is located in the
start the engine. The lever must not
center of the steering handwheel. Depress the button to
be shifted while the truck is in
sound horn.
d. Parking Brake Lever. The parking brake lever
located to the right of the operator's seat in front of the
k. Braking and Inching Pedal. The braking and
cowl, operates the brake mounted on the power axle
inching pedal is located on the floor to the right of the
assembly. Pull up on the lever to apply the brake and
steering column. When the brake pedal is depressed,
hold the truck in a stationary position. When the lever is
the stoplight will glow. Depress the braking and inching
pulled up, it is held in position by an over-center toggle
pedal to actuate the control valve, thus reducing the
action. Tightness is controlled by a screw adjustment in
hydraulic pressure against the piston of the engaged
the lever handle. Move the lever downward to release
clutch. This slows the transmission gear speed without
affecting the engine speed and provides delicate control
e. Steering Handwheel. The steering handwheel
of the truck for traveling or inching. Further depression
controls the direction of travel of the truck. The steering
of the inching pedal will cut off pressure on the clutch
wheel transmits movement through the steering gear,
piston and disengage the clutch discs in addition to
drag link, booster cylinder, steering arm and ball joints to
applying the wheel brakes.
the rear wheels. Turn the handwheel to the right
(clockwise) to move the truck to the right; turn the
handwheel to the left (counterclockwise) to move the
truck to the left.
f. Accelerator Pedal.
The accelerator pedal,
Avoid prolonged stall or inching
attached to the carburetor throttle shaft, is located on the
operation as this tends to overheat
floorboard, convenient to the operator's right foot.
the transmission assembly.
Depress the pedal to increase the engine speed; release
the pressure on the pedal to decrease the engine speed.
l. Seat Adjuster. The seat adjuster is located on
The engine operates at a preset idling speed when the
the lower left side of the operator's seat. Move the
pedal is completely released.
adjuster lever toward the seat and move the seat f
g. Light Switch. The light switch is located on the
sward or backward as desired. Release the adjuster
upper right side of the instrument cluster case. Push the
level when seat is in position.
light switch up to turn on the taillight. Push the light
switch down to turn off the taillight.
h. Lift Control Lever. The lift control lever is located
a. Engine Hourmeter. The engine hourmeter is
on the cowl to the right of the operator's seat. Move the
located on the uppermost part of the instrument cluster
lever to the rear to lift the forks. Move the lever forward
case. This meter operates only when the engine oil
to lower the forks. The lever is spring centered to return
pressure is in the normal operating range. The figure
to neutral when released. Engine speed determines the
(extreme right) records 10ths of an hour. The small
lift rate. Lowering rate is regulated by the control valve
indicator (upper right) visibly turns when the meter is
and is no way affected by engine speed.
i. Tilt Control Lever. The tilt control lever is located
b. Fuel Indicator. The fuel indicator is located on
directly to the right of the lift control lever. Move the tilt
the left side of the-instrument cluster. This indicator
control lever forward to tilt the forks forward. Move the
registers the amount of gasoline in the fuel tank. The
lever backward to tilt the forks backward. The lever is
indicator dial is marked E division, 1/2 division, and F.
spring centered to return to neutral when released.
These symbols plus the divisions indicate that the fuel
j. Direction Shift Lever. The direction shift lever is
tank is either empty, one-quarter full, one-half full, three-
located on the right side of the steering column. Move
quarters full, or full. The ignition switch must be in the
the direction shift lever forward to the F (forward) position
ON position to activate the fuel indicator.
to allow the truck to move forward. Move the lever back
c. Ammeter. The ammeter is located at the top of
to the R (reverse) position to allow the truck to move
the instrument cluster. The ammeter indicates the
backward. Leave the lever in the N (neutral) position
amount of current flowing to or being withdrawn from the
when the truck is parked.
battery. When the engine is started, the ammeter needle
should move far to the right side of the dial and should
fall back gradually to a position near the center or slightly
to the charge (+) side of the dial. If the ammeter needle
shows a constant discharge (-) stop the engine and
report to organizational maintenance personnel.
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