![]() TM 10-3930-622-14
overhead guard is provided to protect the operator
against falling objects. Steering of the two rear wheels is
This handbook contains operation, service and
hydraulic power assisted.
repair instructions for Model FJF-060, 6000-pound,
pneumatic tired, gasoline engine powered fork lift truck
with power shifted transmission.
The fork lift truck covered in this handbook is
a. General. A six cylinder, four-cycle, in-line, "L"-
designed to lift loads up to a height of 173 inches. Being
head engine assembly is used to power the fork lift truck.
equipped with pneumatic tires, this truck is suitable for
The engine has a displacement of 236.7 cubic inches
outdoor use on normally firm terrain; as found in
and develops 65 brake horsepower at 2400 rpm.
warehouse yards. The Model FJF-060 is not designed
Accessories mounted on and normally considered part of
as a rough terrain vehicle.
the complete engine assembly are the generator and
pulley assembly, starting motor, water pump, fuel pump,
governor, carburetor and distributor.
The engine
Model FJF-060 is a nontactical fork lift truck
assembly complete with mounts, radiator and
designed for the handling and warehousing of materials.
accessories, in conjunction with ., the single-speed
In its capacity as a self-contained, rider-type,
mechanized piece of handling equipment, the fork lift
axle assembly, forms an integrated unit generally
truck is completely equipped to lift loads up to a 6000-
referred to as the drive line or drive train assembly.
pound capacity at a 24 inch load center (the load center
is measured from the heel of the fork), for transporting
b. Cylinder numbering. The engine cylinders are
loads from one area to another, and for depositing and
numbered consecutively from one to six, starting at the
stacking loads, both indoors and outdoors.
rear, or fan end, of the engine. The bellhousing end of
the engine is toward the front of the truck, and right and
left sides are those seen when viewing the engine from
the vehicle rear. The fork lift truck is a front-wheel drive
a. The truck is powered by a Hercules Model QDX-
vehicle, therefore the fan end, normally the front of the
56 gasoline engine equipped for radio interference
engine, is at the rear of the vehicle.
suppression and fungus proofed. The engine mounted
hydraulic pump powers the lifting and tilting of the boom,
c. Engine lubrication system.
The lubricating
and the power steering. Drive power for the truck is
system of the engine assembly is the forced feed type to
supplied to the two dual front wheels through a torque
all main and connecting rod bearings.
This is
converter and single ratio transmission to a double
accomplished by means of a gear type pressure pump.
reduction drive axle. Refer to Section II, Table of
The oil pump is driven by a suitable gear arrangement at
Specifications for additional data covering the overall
the center of the camshaft. The pump picks up oil from
truck, its major components and accessories.
the center sump of oil pan and delivers it to a drilled
passage in the engine block. From here the oil flows
b. Handling of materials is accomplished by a two
through various leads to main bearings. From the main
pronged 40 inch fork on an upright boom lift. The boom
bearings the oil flows through suitable drilled holes in the
can be tilted three degrees forward to ten degrees
crankshaft to connecting rod bearings. Valve tappets,
backward as required by the nature of the load or
valve stems, and cylinders are lubricated by a mist of oil
operation. Maximum height to which a load can be
thrown off by the main and connecting rod bearings.
raised is specified in paragraph 1-3. Turning radius of
the truck is 104 inches. Speed of the vehicle is limited by
an engine governor to 12-1/2 miles per hour. An
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