![]() d. Oil filter. A replaceable-element oil filter is
pulley. The water pump draws coolant from the radiator
mounted on the right-hand side of the crankcase. The
and pumps it into water jackets which extend the full
oil filter is of the by-pass type, a constant flow of
length of the cylinders.
pressure oil being directed to and from the oil filter body
d. Water outlet pipe, thermostat and by-pass line.
assembly through flexible inlet and outlet hoses.
The water outlet pipe is mounted on the rear end of the
cylinder head. A bellows-type thermostat internally
mounted in the water outlet pipe contains a restriction
a. The fuel system consists of an air cleaner, fuel
valve which prevents free return of the coolant to the
tank, fuel pump, governor and carburetor, together with
radiator upper area at temperatures below 177 deg F.
control linkages, interconnecting lines and fittings.
With the thermostat valve closed, coolant is returned
directly to the water pump inlet through a bypass line.
b. Air cleaner assembly. An oil-bath type air
This bypass line enables the coolant to circulate through
cleaner is mounted above the left-hand side of the
the engine assembly until the coolant temperature
engine on the engine cowl. The air cleaner provides
exceeds 177 deg F. The thermostat valve starts to open
filtered air for the carburetor assembly.
at this temperature and is fully open at 182 deg F.
c. Fuel tank assembly. A 10.4 gallon, welded steel
permitting free circulation of the coolant to the radiator.
tank, provided with a tank unit float assembly and shut-
e. Fan assembly. A fan assembly and pulley
off cock is mounted on the right side of the truck frame.
adapter are attached to the water pump pulley. With the
The fuel tank is connected with tubing directly to the fuel
engine in operation, the fan assembly pushes cooling air
through the radiator core.
d. Fuel pump assembly. A diaphragm-type fuel
pump is mounted on the left side of the engine assembly
and is actuated by a rocker arm that contacts an
a. General. The ignition system is a conventional
eccentric on the engine camshaft to deliver fuel to the
12 volt battery supplied system and consists of a
updraft carburetor assembly.
distributor assembly, ignition coil, spark plugs and cable
assemblies and radio interference components.
e. Carburetor assembly. An updraft carburetor is
mounted on the left center side of the engine. The
b. Distributor assembly. The distributor assembly
carburetor consists of a die cast main body assembly
is mounted on the rear of the engine cylinder block and
containing fuel metering parts such as the idle tubes,
gear-driven by the engine camshaft. The distributor is
main well tubes, main jets, floats and fuel inlet valve.
fully automatic for control of the timing. A radio noise
suppression bypass capacitor is connected between the
f. Governor assembly. The governor assembly,
ignition coil positive terminal and ground. The only
located at the fan end of the engine, is of the mechanical
internal adjustment provided is the point opening. Proper
type and operates in conjunction with the carburetor
engine timing is obtained by rotating the distributor in its
assembly. The purpose of the governor assembly is to
regulate engine speed under variable loads to protect the
engine against inadvertent overspeeding. The governor
c. Spark plugs and cables. Six spark plugs are
does not limit the power output of the engine: when
installed along the centerline of the cylinder head
loaded, the engine receives as much fuel as needed for
assembly. Each spark plug is shielded with a rubber
the load. When unloaded, the engine is protected
cover. Six cables connect the spark plugs to the high-
against overspeed damage.
tension outlets of the distributor.
a. General. The engine assembly uses a pressure-
a. General. The starting and charging system
type liquid cooling system consisting of a rear mounted
consists of a starting motor, generator and pulley
radiator, water pump, thermostat, water manifold, bypass
assembly, generator regulator, radio interference
lines, drive belt and fan assembly.
components and a 12-volt battery.
b. Radiator assembly. The radiator assembly is
b. Starting motor assembly. The starting motor is
composed of a fin-and-tube type core with internal torque
located on the lower right side of the engine assembly.
converter heat exchanger, pressure-type cap, overflow
The starting motor is a 12-volt, 4-pole, 4-brush unit. The
tube and drain cock.
motor drive assembly, mounted on the armature shaft, is
provided with a pinion which is shifted by screw action to
c. Water pump assembly. A centrifugal-type water
engage the starter with the flywheel ring gear. When
pump and pulley assembly is mounted on the rear of the
engine assembly and driven by belt from the crankshaft
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