![]() TM 10-3930-621-34
spring and allowing more pressure relief at a finer
(8) Operate tilt cylinder to end of stroke and hold
long enough for pressure gage to register.
b. Overpressure Adjustment.
(9) Adjust plug until gage reads 2050 to 2150
(1) Remove right side cowl on truck (TM
c. Final Adjustment.
(2) Remove cap nut (13, fig. 10-12), washers
(1) Being careful not to disturb position of
(14 and 161, and lock nut (15).13) Turn down adjusting
adjusting plug (18, fig. 10-12), loosen adjusting screw
screw (17) until it is snug against sleeve 123).
(17) several turns.
Caution: Do not turn adjusting screw too tightly
(2) Install washer (16) and lock nut (15) on
or entire valve sleeve may turn during further
adjusting screw (17). Do not tighten lock nut.
(3) With screw driver in slot of adjusting screw
(4) Remove inlet plug from housing adjacent to
(17), accelerate engine to high rpm and actuate tilt and
inlet port.
lift cylinders to the ends of their strokes.
(5) Connect a 3000 psi calibrated oil pressure
(4) Adjust adjusting screw (17) until pressure
gage to inlet plug opening.
gage reads 1850 to 1950 psi.
(6) Start engine and run at approximately 1/4 of
(5) While holding adjusting screw, tighten lock
full rpm.
nut (15).
(7) Place adjusting tool over adjusting screw
(6) Install washer (14) and cap nut (13).
(I17) and engage slots in adjusting plug (18).
(7) Install right side cowl on truck (TM 103930-
c. Remove cotter pins (13), washers (14), pins (10)
10-50. Description
attaching links (11 and 12) to lever controls (17) and
The lift and tilt hydraulic system control levers are
control valve lift and tilt plungers. Remove links.
located ill the operator's compartment to the right of the
d. Remove control lever bolts (2) and lock washers
instrument panel. They operate lift and tilt plungers in
(3) from control levers (17) and slide levers from handles
the lift control valve. Motion is transmitted from the
(4 and 7).
levers to lever controls and links.
e. Remove woodruff keys (8) from handle shafts.
f. Slide handles from cowl panel and remove cowl
10-51. Removal
plugs (9).
a. Refer to figure 10-13 and disassemble as
g. Remove red tilt handle knob (5) and black lift
handle knob (6), noting which color goes to each handle.
b. Remove right side cowl from truck (TM 10-
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