![]() TM 10-3930-621-34
(2) Install sleeve screw (34) into tilt plunger (10)
10-47. Assembly
until firmly seated.
a. Refer to figure 10-12 and assemble as follows:
(3) Slide lower spring seat (35), spring (36), and
b. Install check valve poppets (5), springs (4), new
upper spring seat (35) on plunger (10) making sure
packings (3), and plugs (2). Reaching through inlet and
spring is seated evenly on seal lips.
outlet ports, press on face of check valve poppet to
(4) Place sleeve screw end of plunger in plunger
insure poppet is not binding.
cap (33) and slide lower seal plate (11) on plunger cap,
c. Assemble relief valve as follows: (1) Secure
alining mounting holes.
valve housing in vise, taking care not to damage
(5) Install lower ring (8) and lower seal (9) in
machined surfaces.
bottom of housing and insert plunger assembly slowly
(2) Install new packing (25) on barrel end of
through ring, seal, and housing.
poppet (26).
(6) Aline mounting holes of housing (37), seal
(3) Install backup ring (24) and poppet, barrel
plate (11), and tilt plunger cap (33) and secure plunger
end first, into hole end of sleeve. Poppet barrel end
assembly to housing with two socket head screws (32).
must seat firmly into sleeve against backup ring. Barrel
(7) Install upper ring (8) and upper seal (9) on
must not block sleeve hole opening.
plunger (10) and seat firmly in housing.
Install assembled sleeve in bottom of
(8) Install upper seal plate (11) and secure with
housing, tapered end of poppet last, until sleeve opening
two screws (12).
can be seen through the inlet port.
e. Assemble lift plunger as follows:
Although adjustment of the
(1) Place valve in vise in horizontal position,
sleeve will move the sleeve opening within the inlet
taking care not to damage housing.
passage, the opening at no time should be blocked
(2) Using lift plunger (38) and plunger cap (29),
completely by moving it out of the inlet passage; or
assemble lift spool parts as instructed in procedure d.
proper pressure relief will not be made, resulting in
(3) Install adjusting screw (31) and nut (30) in
damage to the entire hydraulic system.
plunger cap (29). Lock nut in place on adjusting screw
(5) Install new packing on plug (28) and firmly
as marked during disassembly.
seat spring (27) in plug.
f. Install end plugs (6) and new packings (7 and
(6) Carefully place plug assembly spring (27) up
against tapered end of poppet (26) and partially tighten
10-48. Installation
plug (28) in housing. Note position of sleeve hole
a. Install valve assembly on truck and secure with
through inlet opening.
If hole moves above inlet
screws (1, fig. 10-13), flat washers (15), and nuts (16).
passage, loosen plug (28).
b. Install hydraulic line fittings and poppets on
(7) Install pilot spring (20) on guide (21) and
housing and', noting tags on lines, connect hydraulic
seat guide firmly in top end of sleeve.
(8) Install new packing (7) on pilot plug (19) and
c. Secure lever links (11 and 12, fig. 10-13) to
screw plug into housing.
respective plungers (10 and 38, fig 10-12) with pins (10,
(9) Screw adjusting plug (18) into pilot plug (19)
fig. 10-13), flat washers (14), and cotter pins (13).
until it seats lightly on sleeve (23). Completely tighten
d. Adjust relief valve (para 10-49).
bottom plug (28). Check sleeve opening from inlet port
e. Install right side cowl on truck (TM 10-3930621-
and adjust plug (18) to maintain opening in passage.
(10) Install adjusting screw (17) in adjusting plug
10-49. Relief Valve Adjustment
(18) until it is snug against pilot poppet.
a. Description. Two relief valve adjustments are
Caution: Do not turn adjusting screw too
necessary to properly adjust the control valve. The
tight against poppet, as entire valve sleeve may turn
overpressure adjustment must be made prior to the final
when it becomes necessary to loosen screw.
The overpressure adjustment is at a
Note. Final adjustment of relief valve is made
reduced speed and partial load. It compresses the
after control valve is installed on truck. Refer to
poppet spring, requiring pressure above the normal
setting to open the poppet. The final adjustment is at
(11) Install two copper washers (14 and 16),
high speed and full load. It moves the sleeve and poppet
lock nut (15), and cap nut (13) on adjusting screw (17).
d. Assemble tilt plunger as follows: (1) Place valve
in vise in horizontal position, taking care not to damage
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