![]() TM 10-3930-621-34
a. Using a hoist, remove single cylinder assembly
10-26. Assembly
from supports and install cylinder through intermediate
a. Refer to figure 10-7 and assemble as follows:
mast (7) and secure to outer mast (1) with lock washer
b. Loosely install bleeder screw (2) in tube (3).
(48) and nut (49).
c. Install wear block (4) on ram (1) and carefully
b. Secure cylinder assembly to bracket at top of
slide ram into tube (3).
intermediate mast (7) with lock washer (42) and screw
d. Install stop ring (12) and new packing (11) and
backup ring (10) on ram.
c. Secure bottom of cylinder assembly to
e. Install spacer (6) and new packing (8) and wiper
intermediate mast (7) with spacer (29), clamp (28),
ring (7) in gland nut (9).
screw (57), and lock washer (58).
f. Using new locking pellets (5), secure gland nut
D Install cylinder cluster as described in paragraph
(9) to tube (3) with spanner wrench.
10-27. Installation
when clear, bubble free oil flow is obtained.
To install the single cylinder assembly without removing
the mast, refer to figure 10-3 and proceed as follows:
frame assembly (7). Remove backrest.
10-28. Description
d. Raise inner mast 24 inches from mast to floor
The fork lift carriage frame assembly is a welded
and block in position.
assembly having two horizontal fork supports and two
e. Remove screws (11 and 13), spacer (9), and
vertical carriage supports. The carriage supports each
lock washers (10) from carriage supports.
carry two welded stud bearing assemblies, which ride in
f. Attach hoist to carriage frame assembly (7),
the inner mast channels. The backrest assembly is a
remove slack and balance load.
welded frame attached to the upper fork support. It
g. Disconnect chains (12) from carriage frame
serves to prevent loads from resting against the mast
assembly (7).
when the mast is tilted back.
h. Slowly lower carriage frame assembly out
10-29. Removal and Disassembly
bottom of inner mast and place on suitable supports,
a. Fully retract mast assembly and unlock and
bearing assemblies up.
remove carriage forks.
i. Noting size and quantity of shims (5 and 6),
b. Refer to figure 10-8 and remove and
remove bearings (4) and shims from welded studs (8) on
disassemble as follows:
carriage supports.
c. Using hoist, remove screws (3) and lock
washers (2) attaching backrest (1) to carriage
KEY to fig. 10-8:
8. Stud
1. Backrest
9. Spacer
2. Lock washer
10. Lock washer
3. Screw
11. Screw
4. Bearing
12. Chain link
5. Shim
13. Screw
6. Shim
7. Frame assembly
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