![]() TM 10-3930-621-34
b. Install bearings (19), washers (18), and bearing
10-19. Cleaning, Inspection, and Replacement
pins (16) in crossheads (15) and secure assemblies to
a. Clean all metal parts with cleaning compound,
crossheads by tapping pins (52) into bearing pins.
solvent (Spec. P-S-661). Dry thoroughly with dry,
c. Install chain guards (11) on crossheads, with rods
compressed air.
through holes in cylinder brackets. Secure guards to
b. Inspect parts for wear or damage. See
crossheads with screws (46) and lock washers (47).
d. Using a hoist, carefully install cylinder cluster (12)
scratches with fine emery paper.
on intermediate mast and secure at bottom with nut (45)
c. Replace all packing, wiper rings, and backup
and lock washer (44).
rings regardless of condition.
Replace all other
e. Attach chains (17) to chain anchors (13) and
unserviceable parts as authorized.
install anchors and nuts (50), noting match-mark of
10-20. Assembly
previous adjustment.
a. Refer to figure 10-6 and assemble as follows:
f. Run chains evenly around bearings (19), allowing
Note. Assembly applies to both other and center
them to hang free.
cylinder assemblies unless otherwise specified.
g. Connect tube assembly (27) to center cylinder at
b. Loosely install bleeder screws (10) in tubes {121.
elbow (26).
c. Install wear blocks (2) on rams (1 and 11) and
h. Using hoist, raise carriage into inner mast (20)
carefully slide rams into tubes (12).
and attach chains to chain anchors.
d. Insert spring pin (14) in center ram (1).
i. Lower inner mast and install screws and spacer
e. Install stop ring (9), new packing (8), and backup
on carriage roller supports and carriage forks. Install and
ring (7) on ram (1 and 11).
lock forks in position.
f. Install new wiper ring (3) and packing (4) in gland
j. Using chain anchors (13) and nuts (50) adjust
nut (6). Install spacer (13), if center cylinder is being
carriage to 23/4 to 34 inches from floor (TM 10-3930-
621-12). Adjust both anchors to equal chain tension.
g. Using new locking pellets (5), secure gland nut
k. Check to see if bleeder screws are loose.
(6) to tube (12) with spanner wrench.
Operate control valve to actuate cylinders and slowly
10-21. Installation
raise and lower mast. When clear, bubble free oil flow
To install the cylinder cluster without installing the inner
from bleeder screw hole is obtained, tighten bleeder
mast, refer to figure 10-3 and proceed as follow s:
a. Install crossheads (15) on top of cylinder cluster
and secure with screws (51).
10-22. Description
Caution: When disassembling or reassembling
The single cylinder assembly is installed on the inner
cylinders, use extreme care to avoid damaging the
portion of the intermediate mast, with the cylinder ram
ram surface finish.
extending through an opening in the intermediate mast
a. Remove cylinder cluster (para 10-17).
and anchoring at the lower part of the outer mast. The
b. Refer to figure 10-3 and continue removal as
upper portion of the cylinder is secured in a bracket and
the lower portion by a clamp. Forcing the single cylinder
c. Remove lock washer (58), screw (57), clamp
ram downward against the outer mast will raise the
(28), and spacer (29) securing cylinder (10) to
intermediate mast. Full extension of the ram will raise
intermediate mast (7).
the carriage to its highest level.
d. Remove screw (43) and lock washer (42)
10-23. Removal
attaching cylinder to bracket (9) at top of intermediate
To remove the single cylinder assembly without
removing the inner mast, proceed as follows:
e. Remove nut (49) and lock washer (48)
securing cylinder to bottom of outer mast (1).
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