![]() TM 10-3930-621-34
(3) Check operation of interlock assembly.
support and disengage smoothly when lifting carriage.
Interlock must contact stop screw on carriage roller
d. With cylinders completely collapsed disconnect
10-16. Description
center cylinder of cluster at elbow (26)
The cylinder cluster consists of three cylinder assemblies
e. Remove nut (45) and lock washer (44) securing
and is mounted forward of the single cylinder assembly
cluster center cylinder to intermediate mast (7).
in the intermediate mast. The rams of the two outer
f. Using a hoist carefully lift cylinder cluster (12)
cylinders mount two crossheads and chain bearing
from intermediate mast (7).
assemblies, with the chains attached to chain anchors in
g. Remove chain anchors (13) and nuts (50) from
mounting brackets on the cylinders. The outer rams lift
and lower the carriage along the length of the inner mast
h. Remove screws (46), lock washers (47), and
by means of chains. The center cylinder has its ram
chain guards (11) from crossheads (15).
anchored at the bottom of the intermediate mast and its
i. Tap out pins (52) from bearing pins (16) in
cylinder attached to the inner mast. Forcing downward,
crossheads (15) and remove bearing pins, washer (18)
the center ram raises the carriage and mast to their
and bearings (19) from crossheads.
fulllest extent.
j. Remove screws (51) and crossheads (15) from
10-17. Removal
top of cylinder cluster (12).
To remove the cylinder without removing the inner mast,
10-18. Disassembly
refer to figure 10-3 and proceed as follows:
a. Refer to figure 10-6 and disassemble as follows:
reassembling cylinders use extreme care to avoid
Note. Disassembly applies to both outer and
damaging the finish of ram surfaces.
center cylinder assemblies unless otherwise specified.
a Raise inner mast (20) approximately 24 inches
b. Remove gland nut (6) from tube (12) with
from floor and block in this position.
spanner wrench and discard locking pellets (5).
b. Remove carriage as follows:
c. Remove wiper ring (3) and packing (4) from
(1) Remove screws and spacer from
gland nut (6). If center cylinder is being disassembled,
the carriage roller supports.
also remove spacer (13). Discard wiper ring and
(2) Remove carriage forks.
(3) Attach hoist to carriage, remove
d. Remove backup ring (7), packing (8), and stop
chain anchor pins, and disconnect chains (17) from
ring (9) from ram (1 and 11). Discard backup ring and
(4) carriage out bottom of inner mast.
e. Remove spring pin (! it from center ram (1).
c. Disconnect lift chains (17) from chain anchors
f. Carefully slide rams (1 and 11) from tube (12)
(13) on top of cylinder cluster and remove chains through
and remove wear block (2) from ram.
bottom of mast. Match-mark nut positions on anchors.
g. Remove bleed screws(10).
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