![]() TM 10-3930-621-34
(3) Record measurement from face of tangs to
housing face.
(4) If measurement is less than 2.968 inches,
remove converter and add shims at converter pilot to
obtain specified dimension.
(5) If measurement is more than 2.982, insert
suitable gasket between converter housing and flywheel
housing to obtain specified dimension.
b. Alinement.
(1) Mount dial indicator as shown in figure 6-10.
(2) Rotate converter and note indicator readings.
Hub runout should not exceed 0.005 inch (0.01 inch TIR).
(3) bend drive plate (3, fig. 6-3) to adjust to
specified dial reading. Do not use shims between plate
and flywheel.
(4) After correct alinement has been attained,
recheck tang depth as described in a above.
Figure 6-10. Checking converter alinement.
on the inching valve spool. This action allows oil
6-12. Description
pressure in back (of the spool to move it far enough to
a. Pressure Regulator Valve. When oil is being
restrict the flow of oil to the selector valve, thus
pumped to the converter and cooling circuit, it is also
controlling pressure on the clutches. This allows a
being delivered, under full pump pressure, to the
"feathering" effect during inching.
pressure regulator valve in the transmission control
c. Dump Valve The forward and reverse clutch
valve. The regulator controls the oil pressure delivered
supply or dump valve is placed in the circuit to control the
by the pump. The spring is 'calibrated to provide
flow of oil to the selector valve. The valve spool is
between 80 and 100 psi, so that oil under controlled
pressurized by the converter pump through a metering
pressure is ready for delivery to the clutch pack. At the
orifice in a branch circuit from the main supply line.
same time the regulator controls the amount of oil being
Pump pressure at this orifice is reduced to 3 psi,
delivered for clutch cooling. Also, a portion of the cooling
maximum with the engine at full governed speed.
oil is delivered for lubricating the front bearing of the
d. Selector Valve. Oil flowing through the dump
forward drive shaft. Pressure is reduced by forcing the
valve enters the selector valve. With the selector valve
oil through a metering orifice.
plunger in the neutral position, oil is blocked at this point
b. Inching Valve. From the regulator valve, oil
and the truck will not move. When the directional lever is
passes to the inching valve. This valve is a variable
moved to either forward or reverse, the selector valve
regulator, which permits the operator to vary pressure on
plunger opens and ports to either the forward or reverse
the clutch plate from zero to 80 psi. When an "inching"
clutch pistons. Movement of the piston, due to the oil
operation is performed, actuating the inching pedal
pressure in
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