![]() TM 10-3930-621-34
the circuit, causes the clutch to engage the rotating
e. Remove selector valve stop (5) and slide selector
clutch drum, thereby moving the truck. The orifices in
spool (9) from valve body assembly (24).
the clutch drum cylinders accelerate at the release of
f. Remove and discard oil seal (10).
pressure whenever the operating pressure to the
g. Remove inching valve plunger stop (23) and slide
clutches is blocked off or lowered.
plunger (18) and spring (17) from valve body assembly
6-13. Removal
h. Remove and discard oil seal (19).
a. Disconnect inching and selector control valve
i. Remove inching valve spool stop (26), spool (16),
linkage from their respective valves.
and spring (15) from inside spool.
Remove bolts and washers attaching
j. Slowly remove regulator and dump valve retaining
transmission control valve to transmission case.
screws (11) and gaskets (12). Discard gaskets.
c. Clean valve exterior with cleaning compound,
k. Remove regulator valve spring (20) and spool
solvent (Spec.
Dry thoroughly with
(21), and dump valve, spring (13) and spool (14).
compressed air.
6-15. Cleaning and Inspection
6-14. Disassembly
a. Clean all parts with cleaning compound, solvent
a. Refer to figure 6-11 and disassemble as follows
(Spec. P-S-661). Dry thoroughly with corn pressed air.
b. Remove valve cover bolts (2) and lock washers
b. Blow out valve body assembly (24) passages.
(3), valve cover (30), and gasket (29). Discard gasket.
c. Inspect plungers and spools for score marks.
c. Remove separator plate bolts (4) and lock
Clean up with crocus cloth if possible.
washers (3), separator plate (28), and gaskets (25 and
d. Check springs for weakness and damage.
27). Discard gaskets.
d. Remove selector valve ball (7), spring (6) and
e. Replace oil seals and gaskets. Replace other
worn or damaged parts as authorized.
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