![]() TM 10-3930-621-34
(d) Install sealing rings (14, fig. 6-7) in retainer
bolts (9) and lock washers (10). Aline match marks on
ring and housing.
(111. Rings must rotate free of ring and be securely
(11) Using new gasket, install control valve
hooked together at ring ends.
(e) Aline retainer match marks made in
assembly on transmission case.
disassembly and install retainer (11) and secure with lock
6-6. Installation
washers (13) and bolts (12).
Refer to paragraph 2-6 for installation procedures.
(7) Install forward gear and shaft as follows:
6-7. Testing
(a) Holding forward gear (2, fig.
6-6) in
Since the transmission is
transmission case, install forward shaft through retainer
dependent upon correct operating pressures for efficient
opening, forward gear, and into hollow reverse shaft
operation, the pressure should be checked for the
(44). Check position of needle bearings (42 and 43) on
(1) Pump pressure
(b)Secure forward gear (2) to shaft (4) with two
(2) Converter pressure
retaining rings (3).
(3) Clutch pack pressures at stall and free
Caution: Retaining rings must be seated
Note. Oil temperature should be 80 to 1000F
when checking pressures.
(c) Secure bearing (5) on shaft with retaining
b. Pump Pressure.
ring (7). Lateral movement of this bearing depends on
(1) Install pressure gage, calibrated to 300 psi in
the firm seating on both retaining rings. Check each
port "P" (fig. 6-8) on transmission forward of flywheel
before proceeding.
housing inspection cover.
(d) Using a new gasket (7), install retainer (8)
(2) Place transmission in neutral and start
and gasket to transmission case (32) and secure with
lock washers (9) and bolts (10).
(3) Accelerate to full governed speed and note
(8) Install disc and drum assembly on converter
gage pressure.
housing as follows:
(4) If pressure is between 100 to 150 psi,
(a) Install lubricated bearing (27, fig. 6-3) in
converter pump is in normal operating condition.
converter housing.
(5) If pressure is over 150 psi, check the
(b) Slide converter housing on disc and drum
assembly, and secure with a retaining ring (7, fig. 6-7) on
(a) Regulator valve spring (20, fig. 6-11), gasket
the input shaft (8).
(12) and spool (21). Replace gasket.
Caution: Use care when installing converter
(b) Cooler by-pass valve.
housing on input shaft (8) of disc and drum
(c) Restricted lines and passages.
assembly, so that misalinement does not occur.
(6) If pressure is under 100 psi, check the
Retaining ring (7) must be firmly seated.
(9) Using suitable hoist, aline converter housing
(a) Low oil level.
screw holes with those in transmission case and slowly
(b) Faulty pump.
lower converter housing and disc and drum assembly on
(c) Excessive line leakage.
transmission case.
(d) Faulty regulator valve.
Caution: Use care not to damage retainer
(e) Enlarged clutch cylinder orifices.
sealing rings (14) fitting into disc and drum, as
c. Converter Pressure.
damage to rings will cause reverse piston and disc
(1) Install pressure gage, calibrated to psi, in port
to be inoperative. Avoil any damage to needle
"C" on transmission (fig. 6-8) forward and above flywheel
bearing (42, fig. 6-6) on outside of reverse shaft.
housing inspection cover.
(10) Using new gasket (28, fig. 6-3), install pump
(2) Place transmission in neutral and start engine.
assembly on converter housing (17) by installing collector
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