![]() TM 10-3930-621-34
c. Oil Pump.
(6) Install sealing ring (16) and needle bearing
(10) on input shaft (8).
(1) Remove oil pump assembly from transmission
(7) Place assembly in arbor press. Apply pressure
assembly (para 6-3 a ).
to input shaft (8), making sure forward cylinder (3) does
(2) Refer to figure 6-3 and disassemble as follows:
not bind.
(3) Remove screws (13), bolts (14), and lock
(8) Install large snap ring (2) to secure for- ward
washers (12 and 15) holding pump support to collector
cylinder in place and slowly release pressure of arbor
ring (11). Separate support from ring.
(4) Remove oil seal (7) and packings (8 and16).
(9) Install disc and drum assembly on converter
(5) Remove collector ring (11) bushing if worn or
housing (para 6-5 c).
c. Transmission.
6-4. Cleaning, Inspection, and Replacement
(1) Unless otherwise noted, refer to figure 6-6
a. Clean all parts with cleaning compound, solvent
when assembling the transmission gear train.
(P-S-661). Blow out all passages and dry all
(2) Install screen (23), spring (24), and plug (25) in
components with compressed air.
sump of transmission case (32).
b. Inspect bearings, packing, splined shafts, gears,
and attaching parts for wear and damage.
and make sure they rotate freely.
c. Inspect screen for clogging or damage.
(4) Install the output gear and shaft as follows:
d. replace all gaskets, packing, and oil seals.
(a) Install expansion plug (20).
e. Replace worn or damaged parts as authorized.
(b) Holding and alining two ball bearings
f. Replace entire oil pump if gear bushings and
(17) and output gear (19) in gear box, install
housing are excessively damaged
output shaft (18) through the three parts.
g. Refer to paragraph 1-4 for Transmission Repair
(c) Install new gasket (16) and retainer (15) on
and Replacement Standards.
transmission case and secure with bolts (13) and
6-5. Assembly
lock washers (14).
a. Oil Pump.
(d) Install output flange (11) and oil seal (12). Output
(1) Refer to figure 6-3 and assemble as follows:
shaft must be installed with internal splines to
(2) Install new preformed packings (8 and 16) and
outside of gear case.
oil seal (7).
(5) Install idler gear and shaft as follows:
(3) Lubricate all parts with engine oil (OE 10). See
(a)Install two needle bearings (35) in idler gear (34).
lubrication order (LO 10-3930-621-12).
(b) Install idler shaft (36) in idler gear assembly and
(4) Install pump support on collector ring (11) and
install the unit in transmission case.
secure with lock washers (12 and 15), bolts (14) and
(c) Install pin (41) in shaft (36), noting position
screws (13).
marked on retainer, during disassembly.
(5) Install pump assembly on converter housing
(d) Position new gasket (37).
(e)Install retainer cap (38) and secure with bolts (40)
b. Disc and Drum Assembly.
and lock washers (39), noting pin (41) position.
(1) Refer to figure 6-7 and assemble as follows:
Machined reliefs in idler retainer must be in the
(2) Install reverse disc assembly (18), reverse
down position so that oil in retainer will drain into
piston (17) and sealing ring (6), and reverse cylinder (15)
and sealing ring (16) in drum (22).
(6) Install reverse gear and shaft as follows:
Caution: Make sure cylinder and piston do not bind
(a) Install bearing (26) and secure with retaining ring
in plate assembly or on pins (21).
(3) Holding reverse cylinder in place, install large
(b)Holding reverse gear (2) in transmission case,
retaining ring (2).
install reverse shaft (44), from drum assembly side,
(4) Turn drum (22) over and install four drive pins
through bearing and gear. Secure gear to shaft with
(21) and 24 springs (19) in drum. Install forward disc
retaining ring (3).
assembly (20) and position forward piston (17) with
Caution: Retaining rings must be seated
sealing ring (6) in drum.
firmly for both bearing (26) and reverse gear (2) or
(5) Install input shaft (8J on forward cylinder (3)
destructive shaft movement will result.
(c)Install lubricated needle bearings (42 and 43) on in
and out side of reverse shaft (44).
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