![]() d. Mounting Plate.
(1) Place wooden block across vise throat to
support spool parts.
(2) Clamp control assembly (38, fig. 5-2)
across port face with control end up and remove
mounting plate attaching bolts (18).
(3) Hold spool assembly down
wooden block and lift off mounting plate (17).(4)Inspect
mating surfaces for obvious leakage path and wear.
Remove and discard quad ring shaft seal (24) and oil
seal (16) in mounting plate (17).
e. Control Assembly.
(1) Remove cap locator bushing (39) and
packing (40) Discard packing.
Use extreme care when removing
control spool and sleeve, as they are
very closely fitted and must be
(2) Place port face of housing (48) on a solid
surface and remove control spool and sleeve from 14-
Figure 5-4. Removing check valve seal plug.
hole end of housing.
f. Cleaning, Inspection, and Repair.
Do not pry against edge of hole in
(1) Clean all parts with cleaning compound,
housing bore.
solvent (P-S-661).
Cleaning may be done during
(3) Using a small bent tool or wire, remove
disassembly and parts set to dry on clean paper towel.
check valve seal plug (44) from housing (48) by reaching
(2) Inspect all moving parts to make sure they
it through "out" port and pushing upwards (fig. 5-4).
have not been scored or damaged by dirt particles.
Remove and discard packing (43, fig. 5-2).
Smooth burnished surfaces are normal in many areas.
(4) With housing in vise control end up,
Any slightly scored parts may be cleaned by hand
unscrew check seat (45) with 3/ 16 inch hex wrench.
rubbing with 600-grit abrasive paper.
(5) Remove housing from vise and up end it.
(3) Prepare all surfaces of control assembly
Tapping it lightly with palm of hand, allow check valve
for assembly as follows:
seat (45) ball (46) and spring (47) to fall into other
(a) Place a piece of 600-grit abrasive
paper face up on a piece of plate glass or similar
(6) Remove centering pin (41) from control
spool and sleeve.
(b) Clean the ends of the star gear first
(7) Push inside lower edge of spool (50) so
to remove any sharp grit from the paper which could
that spool moves toward splined end and remove spool
produce scratches.
carefully from sleeves (49).
(c) Clean both sides of the ring gear,
(8) Push the centering spring set (42) out of
both sides of the plate, the 14-hole end of the housing,
spring slot in spool (50).
and the flat side of the end cap.
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