slightly. Any time a new flywheel is
It is extremely important that all burs
installed. be certain to check the
and nicks be removed from mating
timing marks of the old and new
surfaces of flywheel and crankshaft
(3) To install a new ring gear -
flange. If surfaces are not smooth
(a) Heat ring gear to approximately 400
and true, the flywheel may wobble.
degrees Fahrenheit (400F.). The desired temperature
Flywheel wobble would result in im-
proper torque converter operation,
produces a dull red heat visible in the dark.
(b) Place heated ring gear on flywheel
engine vibration, and shortening of
with chamfered ends of gear teeth away from flywheel
the life of crankshaft bearings and
shoulder, and toward the oil seal flange. The flywheel
other parts.
should be at room temperature.
(4) Inspect flywheel housing for cracks,
(c) Drive ring gear down tight against
bends, nicks, holes, stripped threads, corrosion, and
shoulder of flywheel.
other damage which would interfere with its proper
(d) After the installation of housing,
flywheel, and ring gear, and before installation of starting
(5) Replace defective parts as authorized.
motor and transmission, dial indicate both flywheel and
c. Installation.
housing as follows:
(1) Install flywheel and housing by reversing
1. Attach a dial indicator to housing, at
procedures in a above.
one of the transmission mounting holes, and check
(2) Install new inner and outer oil seals
flywheel for runout. Runout should not exceed 0.005
whenever any signs of leakage appear, and whenever
engine is overhauled.
2. Attach dial indicator to center of
flywheel, and check flywheel housing for runout, which
Flywheel can be installed in only one
should never exceed 0.010 inch.
position on the crankshaft flange
because on of the capscrews is offset
1 Outer oil seal
8 Ring gear
2 Housing
9 Lockwasher
3 Cover
10 Capscrew
4 Lockwasher
11 Flywheel
5 Capscrew
12 Dowel
6 Lockwasher
13 Inner oil seal
7 Capscrew
Figure 3-41. Flywheel, ring gear, and housing.
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