![]() between aligner face and skirt of piston. If this space is
not equal distance, rod is twisted out of line.
When measuring clearance between
a piston and a used sleeve. make
Ring lands at top of piston are
certain that piston is inserted into the
smaller than skirt: therefore, check
sleeve far enough so measurement is
alignment of rod along full length of
taken in area of piston ring travel
skirt only.
within sleeve.
(3) Twist rod with bending bar until space
(5) Piston skirt diameter of a new piston is
between aligner face and piston skirt is even.
3.4365 inches to 3.4385 inches, measured at right
(4) Check for twist in the opposite diagonal
angles to the piston pin; inside diameter of a new
line to piston rod (piston head pointing up). Observe
cylinder sleeve is 3.4379 inches to 3.4385 inches.
space between aligner face and piston skirt. If space is
Deviation from these measurements will indicate amount
uneven, twist rod with bending bar until true alignment is
of wear on piston or cylinder sleeve. The piston or
cylinder sleeve, or both, must be replaced if the
(5) Check for bent rod by moving piston into
clearance exceeds 0.008 inch.
parallel position with connecting rod and observe space
(6) New piston rings must always be used
between aligner face and piston skirt. If space is not
with new pistons. If engine has been in service for some
even, straighten rod carefully with bending bar.
time, even though the same pistons are used again, it is
g. Fitting Pistons to Cylinder Sleeves.
advisable to use new rings when the engine is
Measurement of pistons and cylinder
e. Connecting Rod Inspection.
(1) Wash connecting rod assembly with SD.
sleeves (2, fig. 3-32), and running
(2) Measure outside diameter (OD) of piston
clearances between them should be
pin to determine wear. Specified diameter of a new
taken at room temperatures. Pistons
piston pin is 0.8591 inch to 0.8591 inch.
are cam ground and can be from
(3) Specified inside diameter of connecting
0.0006 inch tight to 0.002 inch loose
rod bushing is 0.8593 inch to 0.8596 inch. These pin
when fitted to their respective
and bushing dimensions provide a clearance of 0.0001
cylinder sleeves before piston rings
inch to 0.0005 inch; clearances of up to 0.002 inch are
are installed. Insufficient clearance
permissible. If clearance is close to or beyond this limit,
will result in premature failure of
replace connecting rod bushing.
these parts.
(4) Inspect connecting rod bearings (10, fig.
(1) Measure cylinder sleeves (para 3-20).
(2) Measure pistons (para d above).
of overheating; discard bearing shells if any of these
conditions are apparent.
Pistons and cylinder sleeves are
(5) Back of rod bearings should be inspected
available in standard size. 0.020 inch,
for bright spots and discarded if any are found, as this
and 0.040 inch oversize.
condition indicates they have been moving in their
h. Fitting Piston Rings.
supports. Inspect rod bearings for wear. Specified
(1) Gap between ends of piston rings should
inside diameter of rod bearings when installed with
be measured before rings are installed on piston. Select
bearing cap retaining bolts tightened to specified torque
rings to be installed on each piston, oil and insert them
is 2.1239 inches to 2.1254 inches. This provides a
one at a time into cylinder sleeve in which they are to
running clearance of 0.0015 inch to 0.0030 inch; new
operate. Use a piston to push ring squarely into cylinder
bearings must be installed when this clearance exceeds
sleeve so that it is parallel with top of cylinder block.
0. 006 inch. Refer to paragraph 3-21 and measure the
(2) Push ring far enough down in bore of
connecting rod bearings for wear and clearance with the
cylinder sleeve to be on ring travel area. Measure ring
crankshaft in a similar manner. If crankshaft is worn or
gap with a feeler gauge.
damaged it must be replaced.
(3) Minimum ring gap on all rings is 0.011
f. Piston Rod Alignment Inspection.
inch. If necessary, file ring ends with a fine cut file to
(1) If wear on rod bushings or bearings
obtain correct clearance.
indicates rod may be out of alignment, place rod and
(4) Measure ring-to-groove clearance (top of
piston on aligning fixture for checking.
ring to top of groove in piston ). Specified clearances are
(2) With piston and connecting rod assembly
as follows: top compression ring, 0.002 inch to 0.004
clamped onto aligning fixture, swing rod into a horizontal
inch; second compression ring, 0.0015 inch to 0.0035
position parallel to floor. With piston held diagonally to
inch; and oil control rings, 0.001 inch to 0.003 inch.
rod (piston head pointing to floor), observe space
(5) After rings have been properly fitted,
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