Do not touch test probes to polished
mating surfaces.
following checks:
(a) Grounds. Connect 1 10-volt test
lamp or an ohmmeter from either slipring to the rotor
shaft or to the rotor poles. If the lamp lights, or if
ohmmeter reading is low, it indicates the field is
(b) Open windings. Connect test lamp
or ohmmeter to each slipring and if lamp fails to light or if
ohmmeter reading is high (infinite), winding is open.
(c) Short-circuits. Connect a battery
and ohmmeter in series with two sliprings. Note the
ammeter reading. If reading is above 1.9-to 2.3ohms, it
indicates shorted windings.
(d) Field resistance.
Connect an
ohmmeter to the two sliprings and check the resistance
of the field. If the resistance reading is below 1.9-to
2.3ohms, the winding is shorted. Replace a defective
rotor as required.
following checks:
(a) Ground. Check stator windings with
a 110-volt test lamp or an ohmmeter. If the test lamp
lights, or if the meter reading is low when connected from
any stator lead and to the frame, the windings are
Figure 3-3. Checking heat sink diodes.
(b) Open windings. Connect test lamp
or ohmmeter to any stator lead and to the frame. The
(a) Ohmmeter method.
Use an
windings are open if the lamp fails to light or if the meter
ohmmeter with a 11/2-volt cell and use the lowest range
reading is high when successively connected between
each pair of stator leads.
Replace stator having
Disconnect stator from the heat sink diodes.
grounded or open windings.
1. Connect one ohmmeter lead to the
heat sink and the other one to the diode lead and note
Due to low resistance of the stator
the reading. Reverse the ohmmeter lead connections
windings, it is difficult to locate a
and check the reading.
short circuit in the windings, without
2. If both readings are either very low
the use of laboratory test equipment.
or very high, the diode is defective. A good diode is
Shorted Stator windings are indicated
indicated by one low reading and one high reading.
if all other electrical checks are
Check the two remaining heat sink diodes in same
normal but alternator does not supply
rated output.
3. Check the end frame diodes in the
same manner as the heat sink diodes. However,
each diode electrically for a shorted or open condition by
any one of the following methods:
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