![]() (c) Record measurement from face of
(4) Connect throttle and shaft linkage, and
make initial adjustments to linkage at this time (TM 10-
tangs to housing face.
(d) If measurement is less than 2 31/ 32
3930-618-20). Final adjustment can be made after
installation is complete.
inches (2.968 inches) remove converter and add shims
(5) Connect fuel supply line and open shutoff
at converter pilot to obtain specified dimension.
valve (TM 10-3930-618-20).
(e) If measurement is greater than 2 63
(6) Install wiring harness. If ends of leads
/ 64 inches (2.982 inches) insert a suitable gasket
have not been tagged, refer to Electrical System section
between the converter housing and flywheel housing to
(TM 10-3930-618-201.
obtain the specified dimension.
(7) Clamp hydraulic hoses along oil pan and
(f) Mount a dial indicator, (fig. 2-3) on
connect hose to hydraulic pump.
the flywheel housing. Rotate converter and note dial
Install radiator and hoses. Pour coolant
indicator readings. Hub runout should not exceed 0.005
into engine cooling system and check for leaks. Refer to
inch (0.01 inch T.I.R) (Total Inches Runout).
Cooling System section, (TM 10-3930618-20).
(g) Bend converter plate to adjust to
(9) Install counterweight (TM 10-3930-61820).
specified dial reading. Do not use shims between plate
2-10. Hydraulic Pump Assembly
and flywheel.
a. Description. The hydraulic pump is a gear type
(h) After correct alignment is obtained,
unit, driven directly through a flexible coupling from the
recheck tang depth as outlined above.
(2) Transmission Installation.
engine crankshaft. With this type of installation the
pump is always driven at engine speed.
(a) Mark one mounting strap and
b. Removal.
flywheel for identification and remove converter from
(1) Remove radiator grille (TM 10-3930-
flywheel being careful not to damage or lose shims, if
any, on converter pilot.
(2) Refer to figure 2-4 and disconnect the
(b) Position converter in pump at back
hydraulic pump from the engine drive coupling.
of transmission making sure converter hub tangs
properly engage pump driven gear.
(c) Reinstall transmission on flywheel
It is not necessary to drain hydraulic
bell housing as follows:
reservoir since oil level is below that
1. Mount converter on flywheel by
of pump fittings.
installing capscrews and lockwashers trough timing mark
(3) Remove capscrews (3), and lockwashers
inspection plate in flywheel housing.
(2), attaching flange to the timing gear cover.
2. After converter has been securely
(4) Remove the pump and flange by pulling
installed, rotate until filler hole appears and add 1 quart
straight away from engine.
of oil.
(5) Remove capscrews (4), lockwashers (5),
3. After assembly has been installed
and coupling (1), from crankshaft pulley.
in truck, add 10 quarts of oil to transmission.
c. Installation.
e. Power Plant Installation. The installation of
(1) Install the hydraulic pump on the engine by
engine assembly with transmission is practically a
reversing the procedure in b above.
reversal of the procedures in paragraph 2-9a.
(2) Pump shaft splines should slide easily into
Using an engine lifting sling attached on
the coupling. Do not force engagement.
the lifting studs on the cylinder head, and with a suitable
(3) Install top-left and bottom-right mounting
hoist, slowly lower engine into truck frame. Have an
screws first, and tighten securely.
assistant line up drive shaft slip joint so that it will enter
(4) Make sure all line connections are tight.
output shaft of transmission without damage during
(5) Operate the pump after installing and
check operation of lift and steering systems.
(2) With engine correctly aligned in truck
(6) Install a pressure gage (2000 psi) in
frame and positioned on the rubber mounts, install the
pressure line between pump and control valve and check
mounting capscrews, washers, and nuts. Torque nuts to
pressure with engine running at maximum throttle and
60 foot-pounds and remove hoist and sling.
with steer wheel held in either extreme right or left
(3) Connect exhaust pipe, using a new
position. Observe gage for a reading of 1200- to 1400-
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