![]() after replacement of parts. These are the differential
height as the preformed head. The formed head should
bearing preload adjustment (to be made first), the drive
not exceed 1/16 inch less than the preformed head as
gear and pinion backlash adjustment, and the tooth
excessive pressure will cause distortion of the case
contact adjustment. Adjust differential bearing preload
holes and result in gear eccentricity.
to be between 0.000-inches and 0.003-inch loose as
(3) Put spring thrust washers (91) and spider
pinions (92) on spider (93); replace thrust washers (90)
and side gears (89) in case halves (87).
(4) Place spider with washers and pinions in
The latter two adjustments are so related that a
position in one case half, position other case half with
change in either one causes a change of the
side gear and washers installed, so mating marks
other adjustment.
(punched at disassembly) are aligned and install screws
(1) Install both axle housings (78 and 79) with
(88). Tighten all bolts equally and check for freedom
same thickness of gaskets (81 and 82) at each side as
from binding by turning one side gear (89) at a time
was removed at disassembly.
using an axle gearshaft (69) temporarily inserted in side
(2) Turn drive gear (85) by hand, testing for
gear splines.
noticeable drag due to trial preload condition of bearings
(5) With differential assembly installed in
(75 and 80). If no drag exists, remove axle housings,
housing, pass a three-foot long piece of rod or pipe
remove one or more gaskets (82 or 81) and repeat test
through the differential case and spider, as a handle to
until drag is noticed. Gaskets 0.005-inch thick and
aid in positioning it.
0.0075-inch thick are used. Decrease total gasket
(6) Install new gaskets (82 and 81) on studs
thickness in 0.0025-inch steps by removing two 0.005-
of differential housing (94) to total the same thickness at
inch gaskets and adding one 0.0075-inch gasket.
each side as was removed and noted at disassembly.
(3) If drag is noticeable on first trial, reverse
(7) Install differential case bearing cups (80)
procedure for decreasing gasket thickness given above
in base of housings (78 and 79). Positioning differential
until no drag is present, then decrease total gasket
with rod, install axle housings on studs of differential
thickness until drag is felt. Preload will now be between
housing. Replace nuts (70), washers '71) and alignment
0.000-inch and 0.003-inch loose, as required.
dowels (72).
(4) Install three adapter-to-axle gaskets (12,
(8) Adjust differential assembly bearing
preload (para 6-118).
(5) Remove drain plug (83, figure 7-35) from
(9) Replace pinion gear adapter (8) using
differential housing. Install plug (3/4-14 NPT threads)
attached gaskets (para 6-116). Install screws (9 and 10,
with slightly longer reach, to contact and lock bevel gear
(85) from rotation.
(6) Install a dial indicator on the adapter
(10) Adjust for drive gear and pinion backlash
flange, to take a reading at a tangent point 1.10-inches
and for the tooth contact pattern (para 6-1 18).
from the center of the coupling half. Rotate coupling
(11) Press bearing (68) and collar (67) onto
half through freedom permitted by pinion and ring gear
axle gearshaft (69) and install gearshaft through axle
backlash. Reading is to be 0.005-inch to 0.015-inch.
housing (79) so splines enter splines in differential side
Adjustment to correct is given in step 7. below.
gear (89).
(12) Replace spindle (63) on housing (79),
Several adjustments of both pinion and ring
studs (77) and secure with washers (65) and nuts (64).
gear setting may be necessary in the following
(13) Replace cone and rollers (62) on spindle,
procedure before the correct adjustment is
and cup (61) in final drive gear (60). Put final drive gear
achieved. It is not possible to specify the exact
on spindle and replace cup (57), cone and rollers (56),
thickness of gaskets to be added, removed, or
washer (55), nut (54) and cotter pin (53).
exchanged at any stage This must be
(14) Using new gasket (66) and oil seal (59),
determined by trial and error.
install final drive gear case (58) (with brake assembly
(7) Apply a thin coating of red lead to drive
attached) on axle housing.
face of ring gear teeth, and reinstall adapter to axle,
(15) Replace front wheel, hubcap, and brake
adding gaskets (12, figure 7-37) to increase backlash, or
lines and fittings.
using fewer gaskets to decrease backlash.
6-118. ADJUSTMENTS. Three basic adjustments are
to be made when the differential has been reassembled
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