![]() bearing bores in spider pinions for scoring and for wear
(10) Remove bearing cups (80) from axle
resulting in loose fit.
housing (78 and 79) and cone and roller bearings from
6-114. REPAIR. Repair adapter and drive axle parts
case halves (87). The cups (80) will probably have
as follows:
remained in the bore of axle housings during removal
(1) Repair slight thread damage with tap or
thread chaser. Repair stripped threads in castings by
(11) Punch mark differential case halves (87)
installing thread inserts.
for alignment on assembly. Separate differential case
(2) Repair slight axle shaft runout by pressing
halves by removing screw (88). Washers (90) and side
or hammering to bring runout within limits of 0.01 (-inch
gears (89) will be loose when separating differential
total indicator reading.
case halves. Remove them.
6-115. REPLACEMENT. Replace adapter arid drive
(12) Remove thrust washers (91 ) and spider
axle parts as follows:
pinions (92) from spider (93). Center punch rivet heads
(1) Replace all damaged, worn or defective
(86), drill through heads and press out rivets. Remove
parts that cannot be made serviceable by repair
gear (85) from case (87).
procedures outlined above.
(2) Replace all seals with new parts at each
parts of disassembled adapter and drive axle as follows:
(1) Clean all housings, shafts, gears and
(3) Always replace thrust washers in sets
shims with SD and dry with compressed air under
moderate pressure. Be sure to clean parts thoroughly to
6-116. ADAPTER ASSEMBLY. Refer to figure 7-37
facilitate inspection.
and proceed as follows:
(1) Press single row bearing (21) into recess
(2) Clean brake assemblies with compressed
cage (22). Install race, retaining ring, and pinion
air under moderate pressure.
gearshaft (20). In all double row bearing (19) in cage
and on pinion gearshaft.
(3) Clean bearing cups and cones and rollers
in SD. Do not rotate cones and rollers prior to cleaning.
(2) Install spacers ( 8) arid gaskets ( 17),
Dry parts with compressed air under moderate pressure.
thrust washer (16) and oil seal and retainer (13) in cage.
Retain with six screws (14) and washers ( 5).
Inspect cleaned parts of
adapter and drive axle as follows:
(3) Assemble collar (4) and retaining ring (5)
(1) Inspect all bearings for roughness, pitting
to coupling half (7), and attach coupling half to pinion
of rollers, cones, and cups, cracked cones or cups. To
gearshaft with nut (2).
inspect for roughness, place cones and rollers in
associated cups and rotate cups slowly with axis of
(4) Install sleeve (6) and cushions (I) in
bearing vertical. If roughness is detected, check for
coupling half (7).
metallic chips or other foreign matter between cones
and rollers.
(5) Install bearing cage (22) and gasket (23)
to adapter housing. If adapter is not to be installed
(2) Inspect all threaded parts and tapped
immediately secure a package of gaskets (1 2) totaling
holes for stripping or other damage.
thickness of' gaskets removed to adapter, For use when
it is installed.
(3) Check axle shafts for runout in excess of
6-117. DRIVE-AXLE ASSEMBLY. Refer to figure 7-
0.01 0-inch total indicator reading.
35, except where noted, and proceed as follows:
(1) If differential bearing cones arid rollers
(4) Inspect bearing mounting surfaces on axle
(75) have been removed, press new ones onto trunnions
shafts, on differential case halves and on pinion
of case halves (87).
gearshaft for wear as a result of bearing failure. Also
(2) Rivet bevel gear (85) to case half (87)
check bearing cone bores in adapter case, in axle
with new rivets (86). If a new gear or differential case is
housings and in differential housing for wear as a result
to be used in the assembly, the rivet holes in the gear
of bearing failure.
and case should be checked for alignment and line
reamed if necessary. The gear must be tight on the
(5) Inspect all gears and pinions for worn,
case pilot and riveted flush with the differential case
chipped or rough teeth.
flange. Check with a 0.002-inch feeler gage. Rivets
should not be heated, but should be upset cold. When
(6) Inspect adapter case, axle housings,
the correct rivet and rivet set is used the head being
differential housing and differential case halves for
formed will be at least 1/8 inch larger in diameter than
cracks and distortion.
the rivet hole. The head will then be approximately the
Inspect bearing surfaces on cross and
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