![]() the finishing rate after gravity has been adjusted.
(5) If the corrected specific gravity of any cell
is higher than normal (1.285) proceed as follows:
(1) Remove floor plate (para. 6-27).
(6) As the battery charges, withdraw from the
(2) Disconnect wires from horn (70. figure 7-
cell a small amount of electrolyte and replace with
water. Repeat at 20 minute intervals if necessary until a
(3) Remove screws (71) and washers (72)
1.285 specific gravity reading is obtained.
holding horn to adapter and remove horn.
c. Adding Water to Battery. Add only distilled
Installation. Reverse procedures in a. above.
water or chemically analyzed and approved water from
public drinking source. The proper level of electrolyte is
1/4-inch from bottom of filler neck.
a. Removal. Remove four screws (11, figure 7-
33) and lift off cover (1 3), button (12), separator (18),
contact (17). insulator (16), spring (15) and contact
Do not use water which has passed through a
water softener.
This water is chemically
destructive to a lead-acid battery. It is not
Installation. Reverse procedures in a. above.
equivalent to distilled water.
(1) Add water slowly. Water should be added
a. Checking Specific Gravity.
The specific
before charging to insure prompt mixing with the
gravity of the electrolyte at 77 deg F. with electrolyte at
normal level and cells fully charged should be 1.265 to
(2) In sub-freezing temperatures battery must
be put on finish charge for one hour after water has
been added.
b. Adjusting Specific Gravity. Acid or electrolyte
d. Cleaning the Battery. The entire battery and
should never be added to a cell without first being sure
battery compartment should be kept clean and dry. If
that charging will not restore the gravity. Charge should
the electrolyte has been spilled or corrosion has formed
be continued until Specific gravity when tested every
on the battery, proceed as follows:
hour for three hours shows no further rise at any cell. If,
after charge, gravity is still below normal, proceed as
(1) Add one pound of bicarbonate of soda to
one gallon of warm water. Pour solution over corrosion
(1) Put battery oil charge again at the finish
or spilled electrolyte.
rate so cells gas for thorough mixing of electrolyte.
(2) When foaming action stops, rinse off the
entire battery with clear water.
Never take a gravity adjustment on a cell which
does not gas freely on charge.
Vent plugs must be installed in cells to prevent
soda solution from getting into the cells. Do not
(2) Draw off electrolyte down to splash cover
use steam or very hot water to clean battery.
front low reading cells. Slowly pour electrolyte of 1.3000
to 1.350 specific gravity in cell to high level (1/4-inch
c. Charging the Battery.
Batteries normally
below filler neck).
discharged more than one-third of their capacity daily
should be recharged daily. Other batteries in use should
be charged at least once a week. Do not charge
Never use acid for higher specific gravity than
batteries more often than necessary to reduce gassing
and water loss. Plan on recharge time for a completely
discharged battery of about eight hours, less for partially
(3) Wait twenty minutes for added electrolyte
discharged batteries. Charge as follows:
to become thoroughly mixed by gassing charge and
then read specific gravities. If the gravity of any cell is
(1) Disconnect battery leads at battery
still below normal repeat steps (1) through (3). Repeat
connector receptacle and connect charger to battery half
as many times as necessary.
of connector.
(4) Continue charging battery for one hour at
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