![]() inner and outer upright assemblies, and provides
as a nut within the gear housing. A double acting valve
additional mast rigidity and an overall truck profile
responds to turns of the steering wheel to apply turning
height of 83 inches while permitting a lift height of 180
power to the steering bellcrank, tie rods and steering
inches. As the plunger of the hydraulic cylinder raises
knuckles on the trailing axle as in conventional manual
the inner upright assembly, tension is applied to chains
attached between a cross member attached at the top
BRAKE SYSTEM. The brake system consists
and reeved around rollers oil the intermediate upright
of a mechanical parking brake and a hydraulic foot
assembly to anchors at tile top of tile outer upright
brake. The mechanical brake operates on a drum on
assembly to separate the inner and intermediate
the travel motor armature shaft. This brake is applied
assemblies from the outer upright assembly.
either by a handle on the floor to the right of the driver
Lift Carriage Assembly. The lift carriage rides
or automatically through spring action as the driver rises
on rollers within the inner upright assembly. Two forks
from the seat.
The hydraulic brake system is a
are mounted on the front of the lift carriage assembly for
conventional automotive type, effective only on the front
handling of loads.
HYDRAULIC SYSTEM. Tile hydraulic system
consists of a reservoir, pump control valve, hoist and tilt
mast assembly consists of the following assemblies:
cylinder, arid hydraulic hoses. The hoist cylinder raises
1. Outer Upright Assembly. The outer upright
the lift carriage and forks by hydraulic pressure supplied
assembly serves as a guide for the inner upright
by the pump. Gravity lowers the lift carriage.
assembly, a base for the hoist cylinder, and provides
LIFT CYLINDER. A compound lift , used on
brackets for connecting the uprights to the power axle
this vehicle. The lift carriage rises to top of the outer
and for connecting the upright to the tilt cylinders.
upright before the inner and/or intermediate uprights
2. Inner Upright Assembly. The inner upright
together with the lift carriage move upward. This is
assembly is nested in and guided by the outer upright
achieved by a dual hydraulic hoist cylinder assembly
assembly. The hoist cylinder, mounted in the base of
with two pistons working in sequence.
the outer upright assembly, is secured to the inner
The tilt cylinders are
upright assembly. The inner upright assembly is raised
double-acting. Tile uprights are tilted in and out by
or lowered by action of the hoist cylinder.
hydraulic pressure to the tilt cylinders.
3. Crosshead Assembly.
The crosshead
ELECTRICAL SYSTEM. The electrical system
assembly is mounted over tile hoist cylinder. Chains are
is a two-wire, undergrounded type. Tile battery Is
reeved over rollers attached to the crosshead assembly.
connected into the circuit by means of a removable
The lower ends of the chains are connected to the lift
connector. This charging connection is also made
carriage. The upper ends of the chains are anchored to
through this connector. The weight of the operator in tile
the lift cylinder. As the plunger of the hydraulic cylinder
drivers seat closes tile circuit to the accelerating switch
raises the crosshead, tension is applied to the chains,
by an interlock.
Travel control is through the
raising the carriage.
accelerating switch, with circuit made and broken by
4. Lift Carriage Assembly.
The lift carriage
relays. A panic switch mounted on tile dash panel
assembly rides on rollers within the inner upright
opens and closes the travel circuit. The direction of
assembly, which in turn slides up and down inside the
travel is selected by the directional switch lever on the
outer upright assembly to a lift height of 100 inches.
steering gear post. The stop and taillight is enclosed in
a guard on the rear of the truck. The headlight,
triple lift mast assembly consists of the following
mounted on the left side of the hoist upright, is
controlled by a toggle switch on the instrument housing.
1. Outer Upright Assembly. The outer upright
BATTERY. The 36-volt battery used will weigh
assembly is a welded one-piece assembly that is
approximately 1600 pounds. The inside of the truck
mounted on the truck frame assembly and encloses the
battery compartment is 26-13/16,inches long, 32-7/8
hoist cylinder, intermediate upright assembly and inner
inches wide, and 23-3/8 inches high.
upright assembly.
2. Inner Upright Assembly. The inner upright
accelerator master assembly contains three sensitive
assembly is a welded one-piece assembly that is
switches, operated in sequence by cams. The cams are
mounted within the intermediate upright assembly. The
actuated by the accelerator pedal.
The switches
hoist cylinder, mounted at the base of the assembly, is
energize relays which through the SCR control system
secured to the top of the assembly. The inner upright
govern the speed of the travel motor. A potentiometer
assembly is raised or lowered by action of the hoist
governs signal strength and thereby power output of the
SCR travel motor control circuit. The accelerating
3. Intermediate Upright Assembly.
switch is located under the floor plate.
intermediate upright assembly is positioned between the
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