![]() 1-17.
Left hand (2.061 turns of
steering wheel) ................................... 42 deg 20 min
The leading characteristics of the electric fork
lift truck are as follows:
Right hand (2.061 turns of
steering wheel) ................................. 42 deg 20. min
Aisle width (minimum) (carrying 48 in. cube):
Intersecting..................................................69-5/8 in.
Voltage ...............................................................36 v
Right angle stacking .................................. 137-5/8 in.
Type ......................................................... Lead acid
.................................................... or nickel-iron
Gradeability (maximum load) .................................. 15%
Hoist speed (empty)
Lead Acid .................................................... 2200 Ibs
Dual Mast Assembly Truck ...................... 61 ft/minute
(FSN 6140-900-6285)
Nickle Iron ................................................... 1645 lbs
Triple Mast Assembly Truck .................... 56 ft/minute
(FSN 6140-901-1054)
Hoist speed (maximum load)
Type . ..................................................... Solid rubber
Dual Mast Assembly Truck ..................... 40 ft/minute
Triple Mast Assembly Truck .................... 33 ft/minute
Drive ............................................................. 2
Lift height
Steer ............................................................. 2
Dual Mast Assembly Truck ............................. 100 in.
Triple Mast Assembly Truck ........................... 180 in.
Drive ................................... 18 x 8 x 12-1/8 in.
Load capacity (maximum) ................................. 4,000 lb.
Steer ................................... 16 x 5 x 10-1/2 in.
Maximum speed (empty):
Over-all dimensions and weight
Forward ........................................................5.8 mph
Ground clearance (at mast center) .....................3 in.
Reverse ........................................................5.7 mph
Height (Over-all):
Maximum speed (loaded):
With dual mast assembly retracted ...................83 in.
Forward ........................................................5.6 mph
With dual mast assembly extended .......... 119-1/2 in.
Reverse ........................................................5.5 mph
With triple mast assembly retracted ..................83 in.
Tilt limitation:
With triple mast assembly extended ......... 199-1/2 in.
Backward ...................................................... 10 Deg
Forward ........................................................... 3 Deg
Over-all ..................................................... 125-1/2 in.
Turning radius (no load):
Forks ................................................................40 in.
Inside ...........................................................6-7/8 in.
Weight w/battery (dual mast assembly truck) . . 9,170 lbs
Outside .......................................................69-5/8 in.
Weight; w/battery (triple mast assembly truck) . 9,080 lbs
Steering gear ratio ................................................17.5:1
Weight w/o battery (dual mast assembly truck) .6,885 lbs
Steering wheel travel
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