![]() TM 10-3930-611-35
(1) Depress
(3) Tighten or replace loose or missing
pressure to center the brake shoes.
hardware. Replace brake shoes if lining is glazed,
(2) Rotate tire and wheel until access hole
grease or oil soaked, or if lining thickness is -less than
aligns with either forward or rear cam adjusting bolt (fig.
l/8 inch. Replace tires if rubber is worn down to
approximately 161/2 inch diameter. Replace tapered
(3) Insert the blade of an 8 or l0 inch,
roller bearings if excessive pittings in races are visible.
square shank screwdriver through access hole into slot
Replace spindles if out-of-straightness exceeds 1/16
in adjusting cam. Use wrench to apply torque to the
inch. Replace cups an/or piston in wheel cylinder if
leaks are evident.
(4) Rotate the forward cam bolt clockwise
or the rear cam bolt counterclockwise until lining drags
reassemble the drive axle, wheel cylinders, and brake
on drum.
shoe assembly.
e. Installation.
(5) Back off adjustment by turning
screwdriver in opposite direction, increasing clearance
(1) Refer to figure 3-27 and install the
until drag is relieved.
drive axle.
(6) Repeat adjustment sequence steps (4)
(2) Install the drive wheel (TM 10-3930-
and (5) on reverse shoe.
Brake Shoe Adjustment.
Figure 3-28. Drive axle, wheel cylinder and brake shoe assembly, disassembly and reassembly.
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