![]() TM 10-3930-609-35
j. Remove armature terminal, insulating washer,
f. Inspect bearing mounting surfaces on armature
internal insulator and jumper from inside front yoke.
and bearing bores in yokes for enlargement, scoring or
other damage due to bearing failure.
g. Inspect armature for damage to conductors due
secure front yoke to motor ring and disengage front
yoke from motor ring.
to overheating. Check armature on a growler for opens
and shorts. Also check for foreign matter between
l. Remove ball bearing from front yoke.
segments of armature commutator and check
commutator for grooving and pitted segments.
and flatwashers which secure rocker plate and brush
Blackening of commutator if grooving, pitting or other
mounting ring to inside of front yoke and separate these
damage is not apparent does not impair motor
n. Remove flathead screws which secure rocker
h. Inspect brushes for excessive wear and for
plate to brush mounting ring and separate brush
security of shunts and terminals.
mounting ring, insulator and rocker plate.
o. If brushholders require replacement, remove
3-96. Repair and Replacement of Pump Motor Parts
eight screws which secure brushholders to brush
a. Replace all cracked or distorted parts and all
mounting ring to remove brushholders.
parts damaged by overheating.
p. If field coils require removal, take out eight hex
b. Repair minor thread damage with a tap or
head capscrews which secure pole pieces to inside of
thread chaser.
motor ring and withdraw pole pieces and field coil
c. Repair wrapping on field coils by rewrapping
assembly from motor ring. Separate pole pieces from
loose or damaged areas with glass fiber tape. Then
field coils.
apply electrical insulating varnish to rewrapped areas.
d. Replace brushes if worn to a length less than
3-94. Cleaning Disassembled Parts of Pump Motor
3/4 inch or if shunts, or terminals are loose or damaged.
a. Wash front yoke, rear yoke, covers, motor ring
(from which field coils have been removed), pole
pieces, rocker plate; brush mounting ring, brushholders,
f. Replace armature or either yoke if bearing
bearing retainer and miscellaneous small metallic parts
mounting surfaces are damaged to extent that bearings
in SD. Dry parts with compressed air under moderate
cannot be properly installed.
g. If commutator on armature is grooved or pitted,
b. If field coils have not been removed from motor
chuck armature in a lathe and reface commutator
ring, use compressed air to blow dust from coils, pole
segments. Do not remove more metal than is required
pieces and inside of motor ring. Clean outer surfaces
to produce a clean, bright, continuous surface on all
with cloth moistened with SD.
segments. Minimum allowable diameter of commutator
c. Use compressed air to blow dust from crevices
after turning is 2.125 inches. Maximum allowable
surface roughness of segments after turning 16
and surfaces of armature.
microinches rms. After turning, undercut insulation
between segments to a depth of 3/64 inch using a 0.025
3-95. Inspecting Parts of Pump Motor
inch wide saw. Clean all chips and slivers from between
a. Inspect front yoke, rear yoke, motor ring, rocker
plate and brush mounting ring for cracks and distortion.
b. Inspect all threaded parts and tapped holes for
3-97. Reassembly and Testing Pump Motor (fig. 3-
stripped threads or other thread damage.
c. Inspect field coils for damage due to
overheating and for damage to wrapping. Also, using a
resistor bridge, check that total resistance of field coils
Ball bearings are greased packed,
in series is 0.00109 10 percent ohms at 70 .
therefore, no lubrication is required
d. Check that brushes slide freely in brushholders
during assembly.
without binding or excessive looseness.
a. Insert pole piece assemblies into field coils and
e. Check brush springs for distortion and for
assemble field coils and pole piece assemblies
damage due to overheating. Also check brush springs
for proper tension after installation as described in
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