![]() TM 10-3930-609-35
Figure 3-16. Travel motor test setup.
3-91. Description of Pump Motor
c. Remove machine screws and lockwashers
The pump motor is a four-pole, series parallel
which secure bearing retainer in rear yoke and withdraw
connected, spark enclosed, dc motor capable of
bearing retainer from yoke.
approximately 2.2 horsepower output when energized at
d. Carefully examine front yoke, motor ring and
36 volts. The armature shaft is ball bearing mounted at
rear yoke for match marks. If no match marks are
both ends.
evident, lightly mark parts with punch or chisel before
3-92. Removal of Pump Motor
e. Remove retaining ring from groove in rear end
Removal of the pump motor from the truck will be
of armature shaft.
required for overhaul and repair as described in the
following instructions. Refer to paragraph 2-22 for
secure rear yoke to motor ring; then, carefully withdraw
removal procedure.
rear yoke and remove ball bearing from rear yoke.
g. Remove retaining -ring from groove in front end
3-93. Disassembly of Pump Motor (fig. 3-17)
of armature shaft and carefully remove armature from
a. Remove capscrew, nut and lockwasher which
motor ring.
secure covers to front yoke; then, disengage covers
h. Remove jamnuts, insulating washers and
from studs in front yoke and remove covers.
flatwashers from field terminal and armature terminal;
b. Remove cotterpins from brushholders; then,
then, remove external insulator, insulating washers and
remove machine screws, lockwashers and flatwashers
bushings from terminals.
which secure brush shunts and jumpers to brushholders
i. Remove field terminal, insulating plate and
and remove brush springs and brushes from
insulating washer from inside front yoke.
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