![]() TM 10-3930-609-35
of brush springs that bear on brushes. At point where
b. Insert stud terminals through terminals on field
end of spring is raised off brush, spring balance should
coil assembly; apply flatwashers and insulating washers
read 3 to 4 pounds.
to stud terminals and insert stud terminals in holes of
motor ring. Place insulating bushing on stud terminals
and complete installation with insulating washers,
flatwashers, lockwashers and nuts.
Do not apply a voltage greater than
12 volts dc to motor unless motor
c. Press front bearing onto armature shaft and
has a load applied.
Motor will
insert armature into motor ring.
overspeed if operated at a higher
d. Press oil seal into rear yoke, install rear bearing
voltage without load.
in yoke and install retaining ring in groove of yoke.
e. Carefully slide rear yoke onto end of armature
l. With motor securely clamped to bench, apply 12
shaft and aline match marks with match marks on motor
volts dc to field terminals and 12 volts dc to brush
ring. Secure rear yoke to motor ring with studs,
terminals (brush terminal A1 positive and A2 negative).
lockwashers and nuts.
Check that motor rotation is clockwise when viewed
f. Place insulator, flatwashers, internal insulator
from commutator end of armature when field terminal
and insulating washer on threaded end of terminal stud
F2 is negative. Stop motor and reverse field polarity to
on both brush connector assemblies; assuring that
check that motor rotation reverses.
projection on internal insulator projects through slot in
m. Lightly stone commutator if excessive sparking
flat insulator.
Then insert both brush connector
is noted between brushes and commutation.
assembly stud terminals through holes in front yoke and
n. Drive shouldered studs into front yoke.
flatwashers, lockwashers and nuts to both terminal
o. Attach yoke covers to shouldered studs and
studs. Tighten nuts securely.
secure opposite ends with screw, nut and lockwasher.
g. Install brushholders in front yoke with screws,
lockwashers, flatwashers and insulating bushings,
including an insulator between each brushholder and
Do not allow motor to operate at 36
volts without torque loading. Motor
h. Assemble front yoke to motor ring, aline match
marks and secure with four screws and lockwashers.
irreparably damaged.
i. Check that armature rotates freely without any
p. Install brake drum on motor shaft and clamp
evidence of binding before continuing assembly. If
motor securely to bench top. Apply a torque arm to
binding is detected, determine cause and correct trouble
brake drum. Torque arm must be capable of applying
before proceeding.
increasing load to brake drum.
Connect motor
electrically as shown in figure 3-16. Test motor first at
j. Insert brush assemblies in brushholders and
no load; then, gradually apply torque load to armature
install brush springs to retain brush assemblies. Attach
stall. Motor performance characteristics must be shown
terminals on brush shunts and terminals on brush
in the following chart.
connector assemblies to brushholders with screws and
k. Using a spring balance, check force of brush
springs against brushes by slowly applying force to ends
Applied torque
Motor speed
36 volts de Equivalent to truck speed of 7 miles per
15 foot pounds
2,940 rpm 5%
120 amps 5%
hour with 2,000 pound load on forks
36 volts de Stalled rotor
100 foot pounds minimum
500 amps 5%
3-90. Installation of Travel Motor
Refer to paragraph 2-24 for installation procedure.
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