![]() TM 10-3930-609-35
capscrews and lockwashers to retain latch pins. Hook
3-81. Repair and Replacement of Mast Parts
latch springs to latches.
a. Reweld parts where welds have broken only if
parts are not distorted. Use gas or electric arc welding
I. Install latch operating capscrews in outer and
equipment. Repaint welded surfaces.
intermediate channels.
b. Replace all broken or distorted or worn parts
with serviceable parts.
roller in crosshead and insert roller shafts. Secure roller
shafts in crosshead with lockscrews.
3-82. Reassembly of Mast Assembly (fig. 3-14)
n. Install latch operating capscrews in crosshead.
a. Install lubrication fittings in outer channel, in
o. Aline crosshead with guides in intermediate
roller pins, in latch pins, in crosshead roller shafts and in
channel and install guides on crosshead with capscrews
trunnions of carriage weldment.
and lockwashers, including quantity of shims between
b. Attach inserts to outer, intermediate and inner
guides and crosshead that will center crosshead. Use
sufficient shims to eliminate side play -of crosshead
without binding in guides.
using nuts and lockwashers.
d. Slide intermediate channel into outer channel.
q. Install setscrews in channels.
r. With channels horizontal, tighten setscrews in
position in inner channel and insert roller pins. Secure
carriage side plates to tension side thrust rollers lightly
roller pins in position with lockscrews.
but not tightly against inner channel. Tighten short
setscrews against long setscrews to lock the adjustment.
washers and rollers on carriage weldment trunnions.
s. With channels vertical, install setscrews in
g. Secure brackets to carriage weldment with bolts
inner, intermediate and outer channels to eliminate play
and washers; then, install setscrews in carriage
between channels and inserts. Do not tighten to point of
weldment side plate but do not tighten setscrews against
causing binding of channels.
t. Apply grease GAA to lubrication fittings in roller
h. Install striker bar on carriage weldment side
pins, in latch pins, in crosshead roller shafts and in
plate with capscrews and lockwashers.
carriage trunnions (LO 10-3930-609-2).
i. Install side thrust rollers in brackets in carriage
v. Apply grease GAA to points of contact between
all three channels (LO 10-3930-609-12).
j. Insert rollers on carriage weldment in inner
w. Install chain (TM 10-3930-609-12).
channel; then, engage inner channel in intermediate
k. Install latch pins and latches on inner channel
and intermediate channel, using bars secured with
Removal of the travel motor is required for overhaul as
3-83. Description of Travel Motor
described in the following instructions. To remove travel
The travel motor is a four-pole, series connected,
motor, refer to paragraph 2-24.
reversible, spark enclosed dc motor capable of
approximately 3.5 horsepower output when energized at
36 volts. The armature shaft is splined on one end for
3-85. Disassembly of Travel Motor (fig. 3-15)
mounting the pinion used to drive the power axle. The
a. Remove screw, nut and lockwasher which
opposite end of the armature shaft is designed for
secure two yoke covers around motor front yoke; then,
mounting the parking brake drum. The armature shaft is
disengage yoke covers from shouldered pins in yoke
ball-bearing mounted at both ends. Bearings are grease
and remove yoke covers. Do not remove shouldered
packed and require no additional lubrication.
pins from yoke unless replacement is required.
b. Disengage eight brush springs from brush-
3-84. Removal of Travel Motor
holders and remove springs from motor front yoke.
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