![]() TM 10-3930-609-35
securely. Use care to avoid scratching surface of
3-75. Installation of Hoist Cylinder
secondary cylinder.
Refer to paragraph 2-15 for installation procedure.
k. Install bleed screw and washer in tapped hole of
primary cylinder.
3-76. Description of Mast Assembly
k. Remove eight setscrews from channels and
The mast assembly comprises three channels which
remove latch actuating capscrews and lockwashers from
nest together, the hoist cylinder, rollers, chain,
intermediate and outer channels.
crosshead, carriage assembly and related parts (fig. 3-
l. Slide inner channel out of engagement with
14). The outer channel mounting facilitates securing the
intermediate channel; then, withdraw carriage as sembly
mast to the truck and also provides mounting for the
from inner channel.
hoist cylinder. The carriage is equipped with rollers
m. Remove two capscrews and lockwashers which
which engage the inner channel.
secure striker bar to carriage weldment if removal of
striker bar is required.
3-77. Removal of Mast Assembly
n. Remove setscrews from side plates of carriage
Removal of the mast assembly will be required for
weldment; then, remove bolts and lockwashers which
repair and overhaul as described in the following
secure brackets to carriage side plates and withdraw
instructions. However, many parts can be replaced
brackets and side thrust washers.
without removal of the mast assembly. For removal
procedure, refer to paragraph 2-16.
trunnions on carriage weldment.
p. Remove lubrication fittings from carriage
3-78. Disassembly of Mast (fig. 3-14)
weldment only if replacement is required.
a. Remove chains (TM 10-3930-609-12).
q. Carefully slide intermediate channel out of
engagement with outer channel.
c. Remove eight capscrews and lockwashers
r. Remove inserts from channels only if
which secure guides to crosshead; then, withdraw
replacement is required.
guides and shims from crosshead.
d. Withdraw crosshead from between guides on
and remove chain anchors from outer channel.
intermediate channel.
t. Remove lubrication fittings from outer channel
e. Remove lockscrews from crosshead; then, pull
only if replacement is required.
out roller shafts and withdraw chain rollers from
3-79. Cleaning Disassembled Parts of Mast
f. Remove bearings from crosshead chain rollers
a. Remove accumulation of grease from mast
only if replacement is required.
parts by scraping with a dull putty knife.
g. Remove lubrication fittings from crosshead
b. Wash parts with SD, using a stiff bristle brush
roller shafts and remove two capscrews and
on large fiat surfaces. Clean smaller parts by soaking in
lockwashers from crosshead only if replacement is
SD. Dry parts with clean cloth.
c. Be sure to clean all parts thoroughly to facilitate
h. Remove four lockscrews from inner channel;
then, remove four pins and withdraw rollers from inner
3-80. Inspection of Disassembled Mast Parts
i. Remove bearings from rollers and remove
a. Inspect channels and carriage weldment
lubrication fittings from pins only if replacement is
carefully for distortion and for broken welds.
j. Unhook and remove latch springs from between
and from carriage for wear or other damage.
both sets of latches; then, remove screws and
lockwashers which secure two pin retaining bars and
c. Inspect all threaded parts and tapped holes for
remove bars, latches and latch pins from upper end of
stripped threads and other thread damage.
intermediate channel and inner channel.
d. Inspect crosshead for cracks and distortion.
lubrications fittings from latch pins only if replacement is
e. Inspect latches and associated latch pins for
excessive wear or other damage.
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