![]() TM 10-3930-609-35
3-70. Disassembly of Hoist Cylinder (fig. 3-13)
d. Inspect external surfaces of secondary cylinder
and secondary plunger for scratches, pitting, scoring,
a. Remove bleed screw and washer.
upset metal and other surface damage.
b. Withdraw secondary cylinder approximately 12
e. Inspect check valve for free return flow.
inches from primary cylinder; then, unscrew and remove
packing retainer from secondary cylinder, being careful
not to scratch or otherwise damage surface of
Repair and Replacement of Hoist Cylinder
secondary cylinder.
c. Remove wiper ring and two packings from
a. Replace all cracked or distorted parts.
packing retainer.
b. Repair minor thread damage with a tap, thread
d. Carefully withdraw and remove secondary
file or thread chaser.
plunger from secondary cylinder.
c. Remove minor surface defects on surfaces of
e. Remove spacer from bore in secondary cylinder
secondary cylinder and secondary plunger with crocus
or from secondary plunger.
cloth or with minor honing.
f. Unscrew plug from end of secondary plunger
d. Replace all packings and wiper rings with new
and take out check valve.
parts at each assembly.
g. Remove retaining ring from groove in secondary
3-74. Reassembly of Hoist Cylinder (fig. 3-13)
plunger; then, remove sleeve from end of secondary
h. Remove packing from groove in sleeve and
Apply grease GAA to rubber
remove packing from groove in secondary plunger.
packings and wiper rings before
i. Remove retaining ring from internal groove in
primary cylinder and withdraw packing retainer from
primary cylinder.
a. With secondary cylinder inserted into primary
j. Remove wiper ring from packing retainer.
cylinder as far as possible, install packing in recess
k. Continue to slide secondary cylinder out of
between primary cylinder and secondary cylinder.
primary cylinder.
Remove packing-from secondary
b. Place wiper ring in packing retainer.; then,
cylinder. If packing does not emerge from primary
carefully pass packing retainer over end of secondary
cylinder as secondary cylinder is being withdrawn, slide
cylinder and press into primary cylinder. Install retaining
secondary cylinder back into primary cylinder; then,
ring in internal groove of primary cylinder to retain
using a pick, carefully pry out packing, being careful not
packing retainer.
to scratch or otherwise damage surface of secondary
c. Place packing in groove at lower end of
secondary plunger and install packing in external groove
of sleeve.
Secondary cylinder cannot be
d. Install sleeve on lower end of secondary plunger
completely removed from primary
and secure with retaining ring.
e. Insert check valve into lower end of secondary
plunger and secure with plug.
Cleaning Disassembled Parts of Hoist
f. Carefully slide secondary plunger all the way
into secondary cylinder.
a. Clean all .removed metallic parts with SD and
g. With partially assembled cylinder in vertical
dry with soft lint-free cloth.
position, pour one pint of rust preventive oil (MIL-C-
b. Slide secondary cylinder out of primary cylinder
16173) into space between secondary cylinder and
as far as possible and carefully clean exposed surface
secondary plunger.
of secondary cylinder with cloth moistened with SD.
h. Install packing in internal groove of packing
retainer, install packing on shoulder of packing retainer
3-72. Inspection of Hoist Cylinder Parts
and install wiper ring in recess of packing retainer.
a. Inspect all threaded parts and parts with tapped
i. Carefully place packing retainer over end of
holes for stripped threads or other thread damage.
secondary plunger. and engage threads on packing
b. Inspect packing retainers for scratches, burrs
retainer with internal threads in secondary cylinder.
and upset metal.
j. Withdraw secondary cylinder from primary
c. Inspect cylinders and plunger for cracks and
cylinder approximately 12 inches; then, while holding
secondary cylinder, tighten packing retainer
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