![]() TM 10-3930-609-35
3-57. Repair and Replacement of Control Valve
e. Place packing in groove of poppet and insert
poppet into bearing. Place spring on poppet and spring
seat on spring.
a. Replace all parts found to be defective during
disassembly and inspection.
f. Screw relief valve plug into valve body and
screw adjusting setscrew into relief valve plug. Install
jamnut on adjusting setscrew but leave loose.
If either of the plungers or the valve
g. Install remaining plugs in valve body.
body is defective to extent of being
h. Adjust relief valve portion of control valve as
unserviceable, replace entire control
valve assembly.
(1) Connect pressure part of control valve to
b. Repair minor thread damage with tap or thread
a hydraulic test pressure source of 2,000 psig with a flow
rate of 4 gallons per minute (or greater).
c. Remove minor surface defects from parts with
(2) Connect hydraulic test source return hose
crocus cloth (Specification P-C-458).
to return port on control valve and temporarily plug
d. Replace all packings with new parts at each
unused ports in valve body.
(3) Raise either plunger and note test
pressure. If test pressure is not within the range of
3-58. Reassembly of Control Valve (fig. 3-11)
1,600 to 1,700 psig, turn adjusting setscrew clockwise to
a. Install packings for plungers in valve body
increase pressure or counterclockwise to decrease
bores; then, insert plungers.
(4) When relief valve pressure is properly set,
b. Place washers on ends of plungers. Then,
tighten jamnut on adjusting setscrew and install relief
install springs using spring retainer and screws.
valve nut over end of setscrew.
c. Screw plugs to which gaskets have been applied
(5) Disconnect control valve from test
into valve body to cover springs and tighten securely.
pressure source and remove temporary plugs.
d. Insert bearing into valve body and screw
associated plug into valve body.
3-59. Installation of Control Valve
Refer to paragraph 2-17 for installation procedure.
3-60. Description of Tilt Cylinder
d. Carefully pull piston and rod out of cylinder and
The tilt cylinder is a double-acting type hydraulic
remove spacer, piston packings and piston guide from
cylinder having a three inch bore and a 31/4 inch stroke.
piston and rod.
Two cylinders are used on the truck to tilt the upright
3-63. Cleaning Disassembled Parts of Tilt Cylinder
a. Wash metallic parts in SD and dry with
3-61. Removal of Tilt Cylinders
compressed air under moderate pressure or with clean
Removal of tilt cylinders from the truck will be required
for repair as described in the following instructions (TM
b. Be sure to clean parts thoroughly to facilitate
3-62. Disassembly of Tilt Cylinder (fig. 3-12)
3-64. Inspection of Tilt Cylinder Parts
a. Remove screw, nut and lockwasher and
a. Inspect all threaded and tapped parts for
unscrew rod end from piston and rod.
stripped threads or other thread damage.
b. Remove two screws and washers which secure
b. Inspect packing retainer, stuffing box, piston
packing retainer to stuffing box, slide packing retainer
and rod, and cylinder for cracks and distortion.
off piston and rod and pry wiper ring out of packing
c. Inspect bore in cylinder for scratches, scoring,
pitting and other surface defects.
c. Unscrew stuffing box from cylinder; then,
remove packing and backup ring from groove in stuffing
3-65. Repair and Replacement of Tilt Cylinder Parts
box and remove packing from recess in stuffing box.
a. Repair minor thread damage with tap, thread file
or thread chaser.
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