![]() TM 10-3930-609-35
3-33. Repair of Master Cylinder (fig. 3-7)
(3) Hone cylinder bore to remove minor
roughness. If cylinder cannot be made serviceable by
a. Removal. Refer to TM 10-3930-609-12.
this method, replace entire master cylinder.
b. Disassembly.
(4) Replace any parts found to be defective
(1) Remove cap and gasket from cylinder.
and discard all parts for which replacements are
(2) Remove pushrod and boot from cylinder.
provided in master cylinder repair kit.
(3) Remove retaining ring from internal
d. Reassembly of Master Cylinder (fig. 3-7).
groove in cylinder and take out plate, piston, cup, spring
(1) Insert check valve, spring, cup, piston and
and check valve.
plate into bore of cylinder and install retaining ring to
c. Cleaning, Inspection, Repair and Replacement
secure parts.
of Master Cylinder Parts.
(2) Snap boot over end of cylinder and install
(1) Clean all reusable parts with alcohol.
push rod.
Flush reservoir in cylinder thoroughly and ensure that all
(3) Install cap and gasket in cylinder.
fluid passages are free of obstructions.
e. Installation of Master Cylinder. Refer to TM 10-
(2) Inspect bore in cylinder for any surface
roughness, particularly in the area of piston travel.
Figure 3-7. Master cylinder, exploded view.
the rubber. Never hamper tire. Use ring rather than
3-34. General
block for supporting wheel and applying force to tire.
Replacement of tires is usually made by pressing off old
tire simultaneously with pressing on new tire. Force
required to replace a tire is 5,000 pounds for each inch
of wheel diameter. For example, a tire used on a wheel
In some cases removal of old tire
18 inches in diameter requires 18 x 5,000 pounds or
may be difficult due to peened-over
90,000 pounds (45 tons) press capacity.
condition of base band or felloe. In
such cases, remove old tire by
3-35. Tire Replacement Procedure
burning or cutting through base
a. Remove wheel from truck (TM 10-3930-609-12).
band. In mounting tires on wheels
without old tires, use care to insure
a ring slightly smaller in diameter than wheel felloe and
that felloes are smooth and free of
at least as wide as tire to be pressed off.
Also carefully check
alinement to assure that new tire
c. Place new tire over old and center carefully.
starts on squarely and is not cocked
d. Slowly lower press ram, check alinement, and
on wheel.
proceed with pressing operation.
e. Be sure that force is always applied through
g. Reinstall wheel on truck (TM 10-3930-609-12).
metal base band and that there is no interference with
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