![]() TM 10-3930-609-35
If wheel cylinders show evidence of
g. Press bushings out of brakeshoes: only if
fluid leakage, repair cylinder as
bushings are worn and require replacement.
described in paragraph 3-32.
h. Remove cotterpin and nut from end of travel
g. Remove oil seal from backing plate only if
motor shaft; then, withdraw brake drum and woodruff
replacement is required.
key from motor shaft.
3-28. Cleaning Service Brake Parts
3-25. Repair and Replacement of Motor Brake Parts
Remove dust from parts with compressed air and a stiff
Repair of motor brake parts is limited to removal and
bristle brush. If brake fluid has leaked onto brakeshoe
replacement of bushings in brakeshoes. Press bushings
linings, replace linings as described in paragraph 3-30
out of shoes and install new bushings.
and clean other parts with alcohol. If grease from axle
brakeshoes. If brake linings are worn to less than 1/16
has contaminated parts, wash parts (except wheel
inch at any point, replace brakeshoes.
cylinders) in SD, and replace linings on brakeshoes.
brakedrum if scored, corroded or pitted. Replace any
other parts that are distorted or excessively worn.
Do not allow SD to come in contact
3-26. Reinstallation of Motor Brakeshoes and Drum
with rubber parts. SD will cause
rubber to swell and rot.
a. Place motor brake drum with woodruff key on
motor shaft and secure with nut and cotterpin.
3-29. Inspection of Service Brake Parts
b. Place brakeshoes on mounting stud and secure
a. Inspect wheel cylinders for evidence of fluid
with washer and nut.
c. Place compression springs between ends of
b. Inspect linings on brakeshoes for excessive
brakeshoes; then, insert rod cup through brakeshoes
and springs. Secure rod in place with self.locking nut.
c. Inspect backing plates for distortion or other
d. Secure link between lugs on lower brakeshoe
with anchor pin. Insert cotterpin through end of anchor
pin to secure anchor pin.
d. Inspect tapped holes and threaded parts for
stripping of threads or other thread damage.
e. Insert linkpin through clevis on rod and through
link; then, insert cotterpin through linkpin to secure
Repair and Replacement of Service Brake
f. Reconnect control linkage to link (TM 10-3930-
a. If linings on brakeshoes are worn to less than
1/16 inch at the thinnest point, install new bonded
g. Adjust control linkage (TM 10-3930-609-12).
linings. Install linings in accordance with good practice
h. Reinstall floor plate (TM 10-3930-609-12).
and instructions for use of equipment available.
b. Repair minor thread damage (if practicable) with
3-27. Removal and Disassembly of Service Brakes
tap or thread chaser.
c. Replace all distorted or damaged parts.
a. Remove front wheels from drive axle (TM 10-
3-31. Assembly and Installation of Service Brakes
c. Disconnect both brake tubing from adapters on
a. Install wheel cylinders on backing plates with
each wheel cylinder. Use care to prevent kinking or
bolts and washers.
denting tubing and to avoid entrance of foreign matter.
b. Place brakeshoes on backing plate studs and
d. Remove nuts and washers securing brake
install return springs and retaining springs with brake
assemblies to axle housings and withdraw brake
service tools.
assemblies and shims.
c. Install oil seals in backing plates.
e. Use brake servicing tools to remove retaining
d. Install backing plates on axle housings and
spring and return spring; then, lift off brakeshoes.
secure with nuts and washers, being sure to include
f. Remove bolts and washers which secure wheel
same shims removed at disassembly between backing
cylinders to backing plates; then, withdraw wheel
plates and axle housings.
e. Connect brake tubings to adapters in wheel
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