![]() TM 10-3930-609-35
screw-type terminals on seat switch, pump motor switch
harness with clips and clamps, assure that sufficient
clearance is maintained between harness and all
and on brake stoplight switch. Insulate other exposed
terminals with vinyl tubing.
moving parts. Hand form harness where required to
obtain clearance. Apply silicone rubber to exposed
3-4. Description of Adapter and Drive Axle
i. While holding gear cluster, push out shaft; then,
The adapter provides a gear reduction between the
lift out gear cluster (with bearings and spacer) and
travel motor and pinion and the drive axle pinion
gearshaft. The gears are mounted in a gear case with
flanges for mounting the travel motor and for mounting
to the drive axle differential housing. The travel motor
drives a bearing-mounted gear cluster which in turn
3-8. Disassembly of Drive Axle (fig. 3-2)
drives an input driven gear. The pinion gearshaft is
a. Drain lubricant from axle (LO 10-3930-609-12).
spline engaged in the input driven gear.
b. Remove front wheels (TM 10-3930-609-12).
c. Remove hub cap, cotterpin, nut and hub, and
The drive axle contains a differential gear arrangement
key from outer end of each axle shaft. Use a wheel
which is driven by the adapter pinion gearshaft. The
puller to withdraw hubs from tapered ends of axle
pinion gearshaft engages a ring gear secured to the
differential case.
The two axle shafts are spline
engaged in the two side gears. The two axle housings
d. Disconnect brake tubing at adapters, being
provide mounting for the front wheel brake assemblies.
careful not to dent or kink tubing. Protect ends of tubing
to prevent entrance of foreign matter.
3-5. Removal of Adapter
e. Remove nuts and washers from studs holding
Removal of the adapter is required prior to disassembly.
brake assemblies to axle housings and withdraw brake
Refer to paragraph 2-24 for removal procedure.
assemblies. Oil seals will be retained in bores of brake
assemblies. Remove oil seals.
3-6. Removal of Drive Axle
f. Pull axle shafts out of axle housings; then,
Many parts which comprise the drive axle can be
remove both bearing cone and rollers and outer bearing
removed without removal of the axle from the truck.
cup from each axle shaft.
However, for general overhaul, remove the axle as
g. Pull inner bearing cups from recesses in axle
described in paragraph 2-24.
h. Remove screws and washers holding axle
3-7. Disassembly of Adapter (fig. 3-1)
housings to differential housing; then, withdraw axle
a. Remove cover screws and washers. Then
housings and shims.
remove cover and gasket from case.
i. Measure and note thickness of shims removed
b. Remove cotterpin from pinion gearshaft. While
from each side of differential housing for reference at
holding outer toothed end of gearshaft with a padded
reassembly and adjustment.
wrench, unscrew nut from threaded end of gearshaft.
j. Remove screws and nuts holding differential
c. Tap pinion gearshaft forward while holding input
housing halves together, then separate halves,
driven gear and withdraw gearshaft with front cone and
removing differential assembly, differential case
bearings, and gaskets.
d. Lift input driven gear out of case.
k. If no match marks are visible on differential
e. Remove shims and spacer, rear bearing cup
case halves, lightly match mark parts with a punch or
and rear cone and rollers.
chisel before proceeding.
f. Remove retaining ring from groove in case.
l. Remove screws which secure case halves
g. Press front bearing cone and rollers from pinion
together; then, separate case halves, removing side
gears, thrust washers, spider pinions and cross.
h. Remove packing, spacer, and seal from front of
m. Remove screws which secure ring gear to
differential case half and withdraw ring gear.
n. Use a bearing puller to remove cones and
rollers from differential case halves.
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