![]() TM 10-3930-609-12
are connected to "B" terminals. If not, connect
3-37. Battery Connector Receptacle
them correctly before proceeding.
a. Removal.
(3) Connect a voltmeter lead to each "A"
(1) Release battery connector (fig. 3-10)
terminal, and operate switch button by hand. If
and pull connector free from receptacle.
meter reads system voltage with button free, and
(2) Remove four screws and lockwashers
zero voltage with button pressed, switch is op-
securing receptacle to vehicle.
erative. Test at "B" terminals for opposite re-
(3) Remove control panel cover (para 3-
(4) Remove nuts, lockwashers and insula-
(4) With voltmeter still connected as in
tors securing plus (+) and minus (-) leads at
(3) above, operate pedal manually. If operation
bottom of control panel.
of pedal does not give same results, switch posi-
(5) Remove clamps securing leads to bot-
tion must be adjusted so brake application closes
tom of vehicle and withdraw battery connector
switch at "A" terminals and opens switch at "B"
receptacle with leads attached.
terminals, reversing this on releasing brake
b. Installation. Reverse procedures in a above
being certain to properly secure leads with re-
b. Adjustment. Disconnect leads and loosen
moved cable clamps to bottom of truck.
switch attaching nuts. Adjust switch position
orientation so switch lights stoplight before
3-38. Stoplight Switch
braking action begins, and light goes out before
Before replacing switch, check that it is truly de-
pedal reaches top of travel. Tighten nuts.
fective, and not merely in need of adjustment,
c. Removal.
and that leads are correctly installed as in a fol-
(1) Remove floor plate (para 3-18).
(2) Remove switch attaching screws, nuts
a. Inspection and Test.
and lockwashers and leads, and remove switch
(1) Remove floor plate (para 3-18).
from bracket.
(2) Inspect that wires labeled (35) and
d. Installation. Reverse procedures in c above
(86-1) at switch (fig. 3-7) are connected to ter-
and adjust switch (b above).
minals marked "A" and wires (70) and (94)
3-39. Battery Connector Receptacle Switch
a. Removal.
(1) Raise battery connector handle.
(2) Unscrew switch extension (fig. 3-10)
from switch.
(3) Remove nut and lockwasher securing
switch to bracket and pull switch free.
(4) Disconnect, tape and tag leads from
b. Installation. Reverse procedures in a above.
3-40. Headlight
a. Removal.
(1) Remove clamps (fig. 3-11) holding
conduit to outer upright.
(2) Disconnect two wires at terminals at
bottom end of conduit.
(3) Remove two screws, nuts and washers
attaching light to upright and remove light and
conduit as an assembly.
b. Repair. Repair of headlight is confined to
replacing the sealed beam lamp (para 3-42).
c. Installation. Reverse procedures in a above.
Figure 3-10. Battery connector receptacle and switch.
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