![]() TM 10-3930-609-12
(2) Drive the truck forward until the load
b. Move the truck forward until the forks are
is above its resting place.
positioned under the load. Make certain the
forks are fully inserted in the pallet or under
(3) Pull up on the parking brake lever to
the load.
apply the parking brake.
c. Apply the parking brake to prevent the
(4) Move the direction control lever to the
truck from shifting position during the lifting
center-off position. Move the tilt control lever
forward and tilt the forks forward until the load
d. Move the direction control lever to the
is aligned with the tier.
center-off position.
e. Move the lift control lever to the rear and
(5) Move the lift control lever forward and
raise the load approximately 12 inches above
carefully lower the load into position on the tier.
ground level. Release the lift control lever.
Continue to lower the forks until they can be
Move the tilt control lever backward to tilt the
easily withdrawn from the pallet.
forks backward. Release the tilt control lever.
(6) Move the direction control lever to the
reverse position. Release the parking brake
2-14. Moving Load
lever, and slowly back the truck away from the
a. Move the direction control lever from the
tiered stack until the forks are clear.
center-off position to the proper position for the
desired direction of travel.
(7) Move the lift control lever forward to
b. Release the parking brake lever, depress
lower the forks into normal traveling position
the accelerator pedal, and move the load to the
(8 to 10 inches above surface).
desired location.
b. Depositing the Load in a Storage Area.
Caution: Accelerate only as needed to over-
(1) Carefully drive up to the position at
come truck gravity, release brake pedal, then
which the load is to be deposited. Depress the
continue to accelerate. Do not accelerate to the
brake pedal to halt the truck.
extent that the drive motor must overcome
brakes. This is not only detrimental to the drive
(2) Apply the parking brake, and move the
motor, but also increases brake lining wear.
direction control lever to the center-off position.
Warning: The operator must be alert at, all
(3) Move the tilt control lever forward and
times while operating the fork lift truck. Fail-
bring the mast assembly to the vertical position.
ure to observe this warning can result in serious
injury or death to the operator or other person-
(4) Move the lift control lever forward
and carefully lower the load to the ground. Con-
tinue to lower the forks until they can be easily
withdrawn from under the load.
2-15. Dopositing the Load
a. Depositing the Load on a Tiered Stack.
(5) Place the direction control lever in the
(1) Move the lift control lever to the rear
reverse position. Release the parking brake lever,
until the load reaches the desired height above
and slowly back the truck away from the de-
the tier.
posited load.
d. Lubricate as specified in the current lubri-
2-16. Operation in Extreme Cold (Below
cation order.
0 F.)
e. Be extremely careful when handling hoses,
a. See that hydraulic reservoir is filled to
lines, or wiring to avoid breakage.
proper level. (Refer to current lubrication
f. Wipe exposed areas dry with a clean cloth.
order.) Inspect for leaks at all accessible lines,
hoses and fittings.
2-17. Operation in Extreme Heat
b. Inspect brakes for proper operation.
a. Make certain that hydraulic reservoir is
c. Keep battery fully charged, if battery indi-
filled to proper level.
cator shows low charge or is low on electrolyte,
b. Inspect lines, and fittings for breaks, or
report this condition to proper authority.
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