![]() TM 10-3930-609-12
c. Inspect battery for low electrolyte level.
d. Cleaning. Wipe dust and dirt from all ex-
ternal areas regularly.
2-18. Operation in Dusty or Sandy Areas
2-19. Operation Under Rainy or Humid
a. Protection. Shield the fork lift truck from
dust and sand as much as possible when not in
If unit is outside and not operating, protect it
use. Take advantage of natural barriers which
with a canvas or other waterproof covering. Re-
offer protection from dust and sand.
move cover during dry periods. Keep hydraulic
reservoir full to avoid condensation. Wipe excess
b. Hydraulic System. Check air filter fre-
moisture from external surfaces.
quently for clogged condition. Wipe dust and
2-20. Operation in Salt-Water Areas
dirt from filter area before removing from res-
ervoir. Wipe dust and dirt from cylinders fre-
a. General. Wash the unit frequently with
clean, fresh water. Do not contaminate hydraulic
quently as sand and dust is an abrasive and can
system or damage electrical components.
damage the lift cylinders.
b. Protection. Coat exposed metal surfaces
c. Lubrication. Clean all lubrication points
with rust-proofing material. Remove rust im-
mediately and apply paint or oil as applicable.
thoroughly before applying lubricants.
b. Hold the extinguisher upright, aim the
2-21. Fire Extinguisher (Dry Chemical Type)
nozzle at the base of the fire and raise the op-
The dry chemical type fire extinguisher is ef-
erating lever.
fective in areas where ambient temperature is
c. Direct the discharge at the base of the fire
-25F. and above. If winterized (pressurized
with a side-to-side sweeping motion.
with nitrogen), the fire extinguisher may be
2-23. Maintenance
used in temperatures below -25F. The fire ex-
tinguisher is a 2 1/2 pound, stored pressure,
Weigh the fire extinguisher every 6 months. Re-
lever-operated extinguisher.
place the extinguisher if the weight is less than
4 1/2 pounds, or the pressure is below 1,25
pounds. The dry chemical type fire extinguisher
2-22. Operating the Extinguisher (fig. 2-1)
will be serviced at installation level through Re-
a. Disconnect the clamp that secures the ex-
pair and Utilities facilities, with the filling agent
tinguisher to its mounting bracket, swing the
supplied by local procurement through Troop
clamp open, and remove the extinguisher.
Supply Channels. Refer to TB 5-4200-200-10.
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