![]() TM 10-3930-609-12
Move the adjuster lever toward the seat and
torque braking. Move the direction control lever
move the seat forward or backward as desired.
in the opposite position you are traveling. The
Release the adjuster lever when seat is in posi-
truck will come to almost a complete stop before
going in the opposite direction. Depress the ac-
celerator pedal if more severe torque braking is
2-10. Instruments
The hourmeter is the only instrument used on
k. Brake Pedal. The brake pedal is located on
this truck. It is located on the instrument panel
the floor immediatley to the right of the steering
to the right of the panic switch. This meter op-
column. Depress the brake pedal to stop the
erates only when the truck is in motion. The
truck and simultaneously illuminate the stop-
figure (extreme right center) records 10th of an
hour. The small indicator (upper right) visibly
l. Seat Adjuster. The seat adjuster is located
turns when the meter is recording.
on the lower left side of the operators seat.
tained. If the truck fails to move, report this to
2-11. General
the proper authority.
a. The instructions in this section are pub-
b. Stopping.
lished for the information and guidance of per-
(1) Remove foot from the accelerator
sonnel responsible for operation of the fork lift
(2) Apply gradual pressure on the brake
b. The operator must know how to perform
pedal to bring the truck to a safe smooth stop.
every operation of which the fork lift truck is
Avoid sudden stops.
capable. This section gives instructions on start-
(3) Apply the parking brake. Move the di-
ing and stopping the fork lift truck, operation
rection control lever to the center-off position.
of the fork lift truck, and on coordinating the
(4) Move the tilt control lever forward to
basic motions to perform the specific tasks for
bring the mast to the vertical position.
which the equipment is designed. Since nearly
(5) Move the lift control lever forward and
every job presents a different problem, the op-
lower the forks to the g-round.
erator may have to vary given procedures to fit
(6) As the operator removes his weight
the individual job.
from the seat, the travel motor brake is applied
2-12. Driving the Truck
and the seat switch is opened, thereby cutting
off current to the travel motor. The direction
a. Starting.
control lever is also automatically returned to
(1) Perform the preventive maintenance
the center off position.
checks and services required by paragraph 3-7.
(7) Every 8 hours or after a days work
(2) Mount truck and take position in op-
with the truck, the operator must have the bat-
erators seat.
tery charged over night for efficient operation of
(3) Check that panic button is pulled out
the fork lift truck the following day.
(toward operator).
c. Emergency Stopping. The mechanical brake
(4) Depress brake pedal with right foot,
is automatically applied when the operators
and simultaneously release parking brake lever
weight is removed from the seat. The power cir-
with right hand.
cuit is automatically opened whenever the op-
(5) Move the lift control lever gradually to
erator depresses the panic switch mounted on the
the rear to raise the forks to normal traveling
instrument panel. Either above procedure will
position (8 to 10 inches above working surface).
permit emergency stopping of the truck.
(6) Move the tilt control lever backward
and tilt the forks backward.
2-13. Picking Up the Load
(7) Move the direction control lever from
the center-off position to forward or reverse
a. Approach the load squarely with forks
position, depending on desired direction.
spaced to divide load evenly and halt the truck.
(8) Place foot on the accelerator pedal and
Move the tilt control lever forward and bring
gradually depress the accelerator pedal until
the mast assembly to the vertical position. Raise
truck begins to travel. Continue to depress the
or lower the forks to the proper height to pick
accelerator pedal until safe operating speed is at-
up the load.
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