6. Remove ball return guide clamp and guides from
ball nut. Turn ball nut over to remove balls and remove
ball nut from the steering shaft worm.
1. Clean and inspect all ball and roller bearings and
races including race in housing.
2. Inspect pitman shaft bushings in gear housing
and side cover, Replace bushing in housing and replace
side cover if bushings are worn excessively.
3. It is advisable to replace pitman shaft grease
seal in housing to avoid leakage of lubricant. Seal must
be Installed with feather edge toward inside of housing.
4. Inspect steering shaft for wear or pits in bearing
races which would require replacement of shaft. Check
shaft for straightness.
5. Inspect teeth of ball nut and pitman shaft. If
scored or excessively worn it is advisable to replace
both parts to insure proper mating of teeth,
6. Check serrations of pitman shaft; if twisted,
replace shaft.
7. Check fitted pitman shaft adjusting screw and
shim in slot in end of pitman shaft. With shim in place,
screw head must be free to turn in slot with zero to .002
end play. If end play Is excessive, selectively fit a new
shim which is furnish-in four different thicknesses.
Figure 13.
8. Inspect steering column jacket for distortion, A
3. Remove pitman shaft from housing using care
ripple or wavy feeling in jacket surface, particularly at
that threads do not damage seal in housing.
lower end, would usually indicate a sprung jacket,
Replace jacket if sprung or otherwise damaged.
4. Loosen worm bearing adjuster locknut and
remove adjuster and lower bearing,
9. Inspect control shaft bearing in tube of gear
housing and steering shaft upper-bearing in control lever
5. Push worm and shaft with ball nut through
housing support. Replace worn or damaged parts.
bottom of housing and remove upper bearing.
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