loosen lock nut and turn pitrman shaft adjusting screw
E. ASSEMBLY (Fig. 13)
counterclockwise until lash can be felt when working
pitman arm.
1. To assemble the steering gear, reverse the order
3. Turn steering wheel slowly from one extreme to
or procedure given for disassembly.
In addition,
the other, Wheel, should turn freely and smoothly
observe the following instructions.
through entire range. Roughness indicates faulty worm
thrust bearings or pitted races. Hard pull or binding
2 Lubricate bearings and gears with steering gear
indicates misalignment of steering gear in its mounts or
an excessively tight adjustment of worm thrust bearings.
Any misalignment must he corrected before steering
3. use all new gaskets to avoid oil leaks.
gear can be properly adjusted.
4. When assembling ball nut on worm be sure to
4. Tighten housing and cover bolts. Loosen worm
place 25 balls in each circuit, making a total of 50 balls.
thrust bearing adjuster lock nut and turn thrust bearing
adjuster until a slight load is felt when turning steering
5. When installing pitman shaft avoid damaging or
wheel near extreme end positions, then tighten lock nut.
turning feathered edge of leather seal in gear housing.
Do not back out adjuster far enough to permit thrust
bearings to get out of line with ends of worm.
6, Temporarily install steering wheel and adjust
worm shaft thrust bearing for proper load and pitman
5. After locking bearing adjuster, check load on
shaft for proper gear lash as described under G.
thrust bearings with steering wheel turned to near one
extreme position. Attach a spring scale to rim of
steering wheel. The pull required to keep the steering
wheel turning slowly should read between 3/8 and 7/8
pounds. Readjust to obtain this load, if necessary.
1. Install the steering gear in the reverse of
6. Turn steering wheel from one extreme to the
other while counting the turns. Then turn wheel back
2. Check steering alignment. Adjust as outlined
exactly one-half the total number of turns and have the
lower spoke pointing straight down. This places the
steering gear on the high point at which no lash should
exist between ball nut and pitman shaft teeth.
7. Tighten housing side cover bolts. Loosen lock
1. Disconnect steering linkage from pitman arm.
nut and turn pitman shaft adjusting screw clockwise until
Turn steering wheel gently in one direction until it stops,
lash is removed. After tightening the adjusting screw
then turn it back one revolution. Never turn steering
locknut, rotate wheel back and forth and check for tight
gear hard against stopping point as damage to ball nut
spots. Also recheck pull at wheel rim as given above.
assembly may result.
The pull required to keep the wheel moving through the
high point should be between 1 and 2 pounds. Readjust
2. Check lash between ball nut and pitman shaft by
if necessary to remove tight spots.
working pitman arm. If a perceptible lash does not exist,
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