2. Cover bearings, 11 and 12, may remain in the
cover or body when these parts are separated.
3. Identify gears and bearings so that they may be
returned to their original positions if used in reassembly.
4. Press the seal out of the cover, using an arbor
press and dowel.
1. Clean all parts thoroughly in solvent.
Figure 5.
2. Check gears and shafts for nicks, burrs, cracks,
or chipping. Discard component if any of these are
7. The relief valve ball should be free of pits. The
spring should not be distorted nor the seat grooved.
3. Examine gear chamber of body for evidence of
contact between gears and body, especially the intake
cavity of the body. Although wear of more than 1/64 of
1. Replace rubber O-rings at time of overhaul.
an inch is abnormal, it is not critical if the bearings are
Press a new seal assembly into the cover with an arbor
not defective.
press. The seal must enter at right angles to the body
recess and must not damage the body. Apply thin film
of non-hardening cement to the seal bore, and remove
4. Inspect the body and bearing for irregularities of
excess cement after seal is installed. Lubricate all parts
the bore caused by bearing attempting to turn or sings of
during assembly.
NOTE: Generously lubricate all parts during pump
5. Examine bearings and body for scratches and
pitting. Use fine sandpaper on a surface plate to dress
out any slight imperfections of bearings. Do not attempt
2. Insert body bearings in match marked positions,
to remove deep scratches or gouges.
and oil grooves toward pressure side of the pump.
illustrates method of dressing the bearing. Check
bearing bores for concentricity or smearing. Place
bearings in their respective positions in the body and
3. Install drive and driven gear with match marks
check clearance between bearing flats. Under no
circumstances should these clearances exceed
4. Slide cover bearings onto gear journals in match
marked position. Replace pressure spring.
6. Check milled seal and gasket recesses of the
cover for any obstruction that would prevent normal
5. Insert seal ring in the body bore. Install back-up
seating. Make sure internal threads of front cover and
rings and O-rings in the mounting flange bore. Back-up
threads on capscrews are in good condition.
ring goes in first.
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