![]() BRAKES
NOTE: The line is disconnected from the master
line to master cylinder fitting. Allow fluid to flow until the
cylinder to prevent flushing foreign particles from the
emitted fluid is clean and free of air bubbles, then
cylinder to the rest of the system, where they may lodge
tighten the fitting.
and later move into the wheel cylinder where serious
damage could result.
To help determine which
3. The master cylinder can be bled manually as
assembly is defective (during the flushing process metal
follows: Loosen the hydraulic fitting at master cylinder
particles may be flushed from the system), note the
until fluid oozes out. Depress the brake pedal. The
hose from which the particles come and check the
pedal will drop slowly toward the floor-board. Just
cylinder to which that hose is connected.
before the end of the pedal stroke, tighten the fitting.
Allow pedal to return to "off" position. Repeat procedure
3. If foreign particles or sludge had to be removed,
until, expelled fluid is clean and free of air bubbles.
fill master cylinder with alcohol and brush the inside of
the reservoir with a soft bristled brush. After brushing is
completed, operate brake pedal until reservoir is empty.
NOTE: If foreign matter is abrasive, overhaul cylinder.
There are several reasons for flushing the system, some
4. When the reservoir is clean, connect the
of which are: existing fluid too viscous; operating
hydraulic line to the master cylinder and fill reservoir
conditions require fluid of different specifications;
with alcohol.
change in the brand of brake fluid (and the two are not
compatible); fluid is discolored or contaminated (dirt,
5. Operate pedal and keep adding alcohol until
metal particles, mineral oil, condensation, sludge).
clean alcohol flows from the bleeding hoses. If clean
fluid flows from one hose and not the other, close the
Use denatured alcohol as a cleaning agent. Do not
bleed valve connected to the hose from which the clean
employ flushing fluids containing mineral oil, kerosene,
fluid was expelled. Operate the pedal until clean fluid
carbon tetrachloride, etc., or use anti-freeze alcohol.
comes from the hose on the open valve.
Any of these in the hydraulic system will cause rubber
parts to swell and soften, endangering brake
6. When both bleeding hoses emit clean alcohol,
dependability. If any fluid of the foregoing type has
pump all the fluid out of the system.
entered the hydraulic system all rubber parts in the
system must be replaced, and metal parts thoroughly
7. Close the bleed valve closest to the master
cylinder. Fill fluid reservoir with specified brake fluid.
Then operate brake pedal until 1/2 pint of brake fluid is
pumped from the system. Close the bleed valve
farthest from the master cylinder and open the other.
1. Attach a bleeder hose to the bleed valve (Fig.
Then pump another 1/2 pint of brake fluid from the
valve location, refer to Bleeding. Place free end of hose
in a clear glass container.
NOTE: Be sure all of the fluid alcohol is pumped from
the system before starting to measure the brake fluid.
2. Unscrew master cylinder filler cap. Place a
drain pan under the master cylinder, then disconnect
8. Fill master cylinder to the specified level and
hydraulic line from the cylinder. Operate the brake
bleed the system. Make sure the filler cap is clean and
pedal until reservoir is empty. Inspect the reservoir.
vent holes open. Place a new gasket on the filler cap
Remove any foreign particles and sludge found in the
and screw cap into the master cylinder.
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