![]() BRAKES
One Brake Drags
1. Brake line restricted
1. Remove restriction, flush system, refill
and bleed.
2. Improperly adjusted wheel bearing
2. Remove, clean, inspect, reinstall.
3. Distorted or maladjusted shoe
3. Replace. Adjust.
4. Weak or broken retracting spring
4. Replace.
5. Drum out-of-round
5. Service as necessary.
6. Faulty wheel cylinder
6. Overhaul or replace.
7. Dirty brake fluid
7. Remove fluid, flush and refill system.
8. Air in system
8. Bleed, check wheel cylinder if air returns
to the system.
Brakes Drag
1. Not enough pedal free travel
1. Adjust in accordance to series and model.
Refer to Adjustments - Brakes and Inching
2. Mineral or other contaminants in the
2. Remove and clean all brake lines and over-
haul master cylinder and both wheel cylinders.
3. Faulty master cylinder
3. Overhaul.
Hard Pedal
1. Distorted brake shoe and/or backing plate
1. Repair or replace as necessary.
2. Linings glazed or worn
2. Remove glaze from lining and drum. Re-
Spongy Pedal
1. Air in system. May be caused by low fluid
1. Fill reservoir, replace defective compo-
level in reservoir, defective master cylinder
nent. Bleed system.
check valve, or wheel cylinder
2. Loose master cylinder mounting
2. Tighten.
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