2. Place bar across frame above transmission and
chain transmission to bar.
3. Unscrew the differential housing to transmission
housing capscrews. Disconnect the brake lines at a
point near the backing plate. (Fig. 2)
Figure 2.
Figure 3.
Figure 4.
2. Unscrew the 12 capscrews holding the reduction
4. Raise the front of the truck slightly. Then lower
gear housing to the axle housing. Remove the housing.
it onto blocks placed directly behind the drive wheels.
Be careful not to damage the oil seal. (Fig. 5)
5. Remove the frame to axle housing caps. (Fig.
If desirable, the axle assemblies can
be removed from the differential
housing as a unit, as shown in
Figure 6.
1. Block the assembly so that the wheels are free.
Unscrew the nuts securing the wheels. Tap the wheel
with a hammer to loosen the tapered dowels. (Fig. 4)
Remove the dowels. Pull the wheels off.
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