the torque converter cover is attached to the engine
flywheel, the oil pump is driven at flywheel speed.
Remove the front bearing retainer, being
careful not to damage the seal rings. Note the shim
pack thickness. (Fig. 4)
Unscrew the bolts securing the cover and
the nuts off the tapered dowels. (Fig. 4)
Figure 3.
A heat exchanger in the bottom of the radiator core
cools the oil, preventing oil overheating.
A control valve is mounted on the transmission cover.
eliminates most external piping. Passages in the control
Figure 4.
valve body line up with passages drilled or cast in the
transmission cover and the torque converter housing.
Remove the tapered dowels by driving them
Oil is routed to the various components through these
down. Lift the cover off, being careful not to damage
the seal rings or mating surfaces. (Fig. 5) NOTE:
Control valve removal is not necessary.
Whenever the transmission is not in neutral, the
electrical system in the starter control circuit is
automatically opened, thus preventing engine starting
when transmission is in gear. This function is performed
by the neutral switch attached to the control valve.
To remove the transmission remove the engine and
transmission as an assembly.
NOTE: If only the clutch pack is to be
removed, disconnect the lines and
linkages from the control valve and
refer to B. Removal, Steps 1 through
Figure 5.
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