Figure 21.
Figure 22.
NOTE: Only an approximate voltage
regulator air gap setting should be
made by the "feeler gauge" method.
The final air gap setting must be
whatever is required to obtain the
specified difference in voltage
between the upper and lower sets of
3. Voltage Setting: The voltage at which the
regulator operates varies with changes in regulator
ambient temperatures. The ambient temperature is the
temperature of the air measured 1/4 of an inch from the
regulator cover.
To check and adjust the voltage setting, proceed as
a. Connect an ammeter and a 1/4 ohm resistor with
a rating of 25 watts or more in series in the circuit at
the "BAT" terminal on the alternator. (Fig. 22)
b. Make connections to the adapter as shown in
Figure 23. Use a 25 ohm 25 watt variable resistor in
series with the alternator field winding at the regulator
"F" terminal, and connect a jumper lead from the
adapter to the alternator "BAT" terminal as shown.
Figure 23.
Also, connect a voltmeter from the adapter to ground, as
shown. Turn the variable resistor to the closed or "no
resistance" position.
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